Pinaceae |
![]() Abies cilicica subsp.cilicica |
Abies MILLER Abies cilicica (ANT. ET KOTSCHY) CARR. subsp. cilicica (ANT. ET KOTSCHY) CARR. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ağaç Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: -1 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: -1 Habitat: yamaç, orman Minimum yükseklik: 1200 Maksimum yükseklik: 2000 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz (Dağ) Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Lübnan Bulunduğu kareler: B5 B6 C3 C4 C5 C6 |
A. cilicica (Ant. & Kotschy) Carr., Traite gen. Conif., 229 (1855). Tall trees, up to 30 m. Bark of young shoots greyish-brown, hairy or glabrous. Leaves linear-oblong, emarginate, not clearly 2-ranked. Buds resinous or not. Cone subsessile, cylindrical, somewhat tapered above, up to 15 cm or more. Bracts hidden within the scales. Divisible into 2 subspecies: 1. Buds not resinous; young shoots hairy subsp. cilicica 1. Buds resinous; young shoots glabrous subsp. isaurica subsp. cilicica. Map 5, p. 69. Syn: Pinus cilicica Ant. & Kotschy in Oest. Bot. Wochenbl., 3: 409 (1853); A. kotschyana Fenzl in Tchihatcheff, Asie Min. Bot. 2: 495 (1866). Iα: Clinton-Baker, Illustr. Conif. 2: t. 10 (1909). Slopes; often a dominant tree, 1200-2000 m. Type: [Turkey C5 Içel] Gusguta Thale, N.W. Gülek Boghaz, Kotschy. Cilician Taurus, Anti-Taurus & Amanus. B5 Kayseri: Bakir Da., 1700 m, D. 19508! B6 Maraş: d. Göksun, Binboğa Da., 1900 m, D. 20085! C4 Içel: Gülnar, Taşoluk Söğüt, 1300 m, Markgraf 11140! C6 Hatay: d. Belen, Karlık Tepe, 1200-1400 m, D. 27053! Maraş: Ahir Da., 2000 m, Haradj. 1736! Seyhan: d. Bahçe, Dildil Da., 1600 m, D. 16464! N. Lebanon. E. Medit. (mt.) element. subsp. isaurica Coode & Cullen in Notes R.B.G. Edinb., 26: 167 (1965). Map 5, p. 69. On slopes with Cedrus, 1000-2000 m. Type: Turkey, prov. Antalya (C3) distr. Gebiz (Pisidia), Bozburun Da. between Boğaz Azzi and Tozlu Çukur, 1600 m, 24 vii 1949, Davis 15505 (holo. E!). Isaurian Taurus. C3 Antalya: between Durbanas &,Derince De., 1000 m, D. 14470! C4 Konya: between Geyik Da. & Bozkır, 2000 m, D. 14632! Endemic. E. Medit. (mt.) element. |