Ranunculaceae |
![]() Adonis aestivalis subsp. parviflora |
Adonis L. Adonis aestivalis L. subsp. parviflora (FISCH. EX DC.) BUSCH Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: otsu Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 0 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 0 Habitat: kayalık yamaç, tarla Minimum yükseklik: 900 Maksimum yükseklik: 1200 Endemik: - Element: ? Türkiye dağılımı: KD., D. ve GD. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Transkafkasya, İran, K. Irak, Afganistan, Pakistan, O. Asya Bulunduğu kareler: A1 A4 A5 A7 A8 A9 B3 B4 B5 B7 B8 C3 C4 C6 C7 C8 |
A. aestivalis L., Sp. PL ed. 2, 771 (1762). Plant glabrescent, sparsely villose at base (rarely throughout), 10-50 cm, often widely branched. Leaf laciniae linear. Flowers 10-30 mm across. Sepals pallid, glabrous or sparsely villose outside, spreading. Petals narrowly obovate, deep scarlet, sometimes orange, coppery or even ivory, with a black base. Achenes conferted, 3-5 mm, rugose-reticulate, dorsal keel with a broadly triangular subacute projection (sometimes weakly developed) § the distance from apex to base, transverse crest often prominent and toothed; beak in line with achene axis, or ascending, ± short, green or bluish. I. Flowers 15-30 mm across, scarlet: achenes 4-5 mm. sculpturing and dorsal projection prominent subsp. aestivalis 1. Flowers (even on luxuriant specimens) 10-15 mm across, usually orange, coppery or even ivory; achenes 3-4 mm, sculpturing and dorsal projection weak subsp. parviflora subsp. aestivalis. Figure 7, p. 177. Ic.: Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. 3: t. 24 (1838-39). Fields, rocky slopes, disturbed steppe. Described from S. Europe (Hb. Linn. 714/1!). Widespread, scarce in the W and extreme E. A1(A) Çanakkale: Erenköy, Sint. 1883:324! A4 Ankara: Ravli to Kalecik. D. 21420! A5 Amasya: Amasya, Maniss. 747! A7 Gümüşane: Charovak, Sint. 1894: 5564. B3 Konya: Akşehir, Bornm. 1899: 4004. A8/B8 Gümüşane/Erzurum: Bayburt to Erzurum, 1200-1400 m, v 1853, Huet! A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç (Grossheim 4: map 88). B4 Ankara: Ankara, 8 v 1952, Kotte! B5 Yozgat: Yozgat, Curtis 102! B7 Elazığ: E end of Hazar G.. 1250 m, D. 28863! C3 Antalya: Hafis Paşa nr. Antalya, 800 m, Teng-wall 726! C4 Konya: Küçük Köy nr. Çumra, Helbaek 980! C6 Gaziantep: Gaziantep to Nisib, 600 m, D. 27908! C7 Urfa: Urfa to Akçakale, 450 m, D. 28170! C8 Mardin: 3 miles NE of Mardin, 900 m, D. 28619! N.W. Africa, W., C. & S. Europe, Russia, Caucasia, W. Syria, Iran, N. Iraq; Cyprus? Davis 21420 and Sint. 1883: 324 are sparsely villose throughout (including the sepals), and may represent var. velutina Lipsky (Fl. Ciscauc. 226, 1894). Riedl (Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 66: 68, 1963) treats this as a separate species, A. bienertii Butk., but the Turkish plant seems to be no more than an extreme form of subsp. aestivalis. Grossheim (4: map 89) records A. beinertii from A8 Çoruh: nr. Artvin and A9 Kars: nr. Kağızman. subsp. parviflora (Fisch. ex DC.) Busch in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 3(3): 201 (1903). Syn: A. parviflorus Fisch ex DC, Prodr. 1: 24 (1824); A. scrobiculata Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(1): 6 (1854). Rocky slopes, fields, 900-1200 m. Type: Ad ripas fluvii Rhymni prope lacum salsum Indersiensem. Scattered in the E. A9 Çoruh: Ardanuç to Kordevan Da., 900 m, D. 30078! B7 Tunceli: Tunceli to Pülümür, 1000 m, D. 29209! C8 Mardin: Mardin castle, 1200 m, D. 28332! Transcaucasia, Iran, N. Iraq, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan, C. Asia, often replacing subsp. aestivalis in saline steppe in the eastern part of the species' range. In the herbarium it is easily confused with depauperate specimens of subsp aestivalis. |