Ranunculaceae |
![]() Adonis microcarpa |
Adonis L. Adonis microcarpa DC. Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: otsu Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Habitat: ekili tarla, nadas tarla, dere, bozuk step Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 700 Endemik: - Element: ? Türkiye dağılımı: G. ve GD. Anadolu, Trakya Genel dağılımı: Akdeniz, K. Irak, Suriye Çöl, İran Bulunduğu kareler:A1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 |
A. microcarpa DC, Syst. l: 223 (1817). Syn: A. cupaniana Guss.. Fl. Sic. Syn. 2(1): 37 (1843); A. dentatus Del. subsp. intermedius (Webb & Berth.) Riedl in Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien 66: 72 (1963); A. dentatus subsp. microcarpus (DC.) Riedl op. cit. 73 (1963). Iα: Helios (Mitt. Nat. Ver. Frankfurt) 8: t. 1, f. 2 (1891). Figure 7, p. 177. Glabrous annual, 10-30 cm, often widely branched. Laciniae linear-setaceous. Flowers 15-20 mm across. Sepals purplish, glabrous, spreading. Petals obovate, crimson or rarely yellow, black at base. Achenes conferted, c. 3 mm, rugose-reticulate, dorsal margin with an obtuse hump close to and shorter than the style but not adpressed to it, transverse crest toothed, often obscure; beak upcurved, short, bluish. Fl. 4-5. Corn and fallow fields, gulleys and disturbed steppe, nr. S.1.-700 m. Lectotype: [Spain] inter segetes Hispaniae c. Tudelam, Dufour (G? BM!). Mainly S. Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Islands. A1(E) Çanakkale: Kilia, Ingoldby 5! C3 Antalya: 10 km SE of Antalya, 15 m, It. Leyd. 1959: 188! C4 Içel: d. Gülnar, Ahirini, 500 m, D. 25971! C5 Içel: Pompeiopolis, Siehe 1896: 108! Seyhan: Adana, D. 26571! C6 Hatay: Murad Pascha bridge on Balik G., Haradj. 4191. Maraş: Maraş, Post. Urfa: Birecik, Djebel Taken, Sint. 1888: 199! C7 Urfa: Birecik to Sürüç, 15-20 km from Birecik, 700-800 m, D. 27974A! C8 Mardin: Mardin to Nusaybin, 600 m, D. 28646! Is.: Lesvos, Cand.; Fournoi, Rech. 4596h.; Kalimnos, Fors.-Maj. 606. Mediterranean area, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, Iran. Apparent hybrids between this species and A. aestivalis have been collected in Turkey (C7 Urfa: Birecik to Sürüç, 700-800 m, D. 27974c!). |