Liliaceae |
![]() Allium flavum subsp. tauricum var. tauricum |
Allium L. Allium flavum L. subsp. tauricum (BESSER EX REICHB.) STEARN var. tauricum L. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: Pinus brutia, junıperus, Cedrus ve Abies ormanları, frıgana, sazlı toprak, kuru taslıklar Minimum yükseklik: 10 Maksimum yükseklik: 2500 Endemik: - Element: Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: K. ve D. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: GB. Avrupa, G. Rusya Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A3 A4 A9 B1 B2 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 |
A. flavum L., Sp. PI. 298(1753). Bulb ovoid or globose-ovoid, 1-1.5 cm diam.; outer tunics membranous, blackish. Stem 8-50 cm, glaucous. Leaves 2-3, terete but with slight groove, 2 mm broad, glaucous. Valves of spathe unequal, narrowly triangular at base, contracted above into a slender appendage longer than pedicels, longer one to 11 cm. Umbel diffuse, fastigiate or hemispherical. Pedicels 3-25 mm, unequal or subequal. Perianth campanulate; segments yellow or yellowish tinged with pink, purple or brown, smooth or pruinose, oblong, 4.5-5 mm, rounded at apex. Stamens exserted. Filaments yellow or purple. Anthers yellow to violet. Ovary subglobose, contracted at base into a very short stipe. Capsule c. 4 mm. 1. Flowers yellow, rarely greenish, without pink or brown tinge; perianth segments opaque or shiny, not covered with a Jayer of wax; filaments yellow or purple; ovary isodiametrie subsp. flavum 2. Fiiaments yellow; pedicels 2-3 x as long as flowers var. flavum 2. Filaments mostly purple; pedicels 1-1.5 x as long as flowers var. minus 1. Flowers with a pink, rose, violet, brown or greenish-yellow tinge on a basic yellow ground; perianth segments and pedicels not shiny, covered with a layer of wax; filaments purple below tip for 0.5-1 mm; ovary longer than broad subsp. tauricum 3, Leaves and sheaths glabrous var. tauricum 3. Leaves and sheaths hairy var. pilosum subsp. flavum. Map 16. var. flavum. Ic: Redoute, Liliac. 2: t. 119 (1805); Bot. Mag. 33: t. 1330 (1810); Rix & Phillips, Bulb Book 146(c) (1981). Figure 5. 2n = 32. Fl. 7. Rocky slopes, stony places, c. 600 m. Described from Pannonia (Hungary). Lectotype (Wilde-Duyfjes in Taxon 22:68, 3973): Hb. Linn. 419/16. Turkey-in-Europe, W. Anatolia, Islands. A1(E) Kirkiareli: 5 km from Kirk-kreli to Dereköy, N. & E. Özhatay (lSTE 35923)! Tekirdağ: banks of Bosph-orus, Degen. Edirne: Edirne to Lalapaşa, N. & E. Özhatay (lSTE 30127)! Cl Aydin: Priene, A. & T. Baytop (lSTE 22060a)! Is: Leros, d'Urv. S. & southern C. Europe. Medit. element. var. minus Botes., Fl. Or. 5:255 (1882). Syn: A. webbii Clem., Sert. Olymp. 9\, t. 8 (1855); A. callistemon Webb ex Regel, All. Monogr. 189 (1875). Fl. 8{-9). Alpine cliffs, stony hillsides with fairly sparse vegetation, limestone & granite rocks, roadsides, 1600-2500 m. Lectotype designated here: [Turkey A2(A) Bursa] [in lapidosis] regione alpina OJympi Bithyni (Ulu Da.) [latere N.E,, 14 viii 1850], Clementi (E! G! K!). N. Anatolia. A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 2200 m, D. 14839! ibid., c. 1830 m, Guichard TUR/145/62! ibid., 6 viii 1972, Shmida & Luria! Endemic. Euxine (mt.) element. Most specimens have purple filaments, but occasionally the filaments are yellow. Stem height is usually 30-40 cm but above 1700 m dwarf plants 5-15 cm occur. subsp. tauricum (Besser ex Reichb.) Steam in Ann. Mus. Goulandris 4:167 (1978). Map 16. var. tauricum. Syn: A. flavum L. var. ruthenicum Lang in Flora (Regensburg) 10, 1 Beil. 3:34 (1828); A. flavum L. "subsp." tauricum (Besser ex Reichb.) K.Richter, PL Eur. 1:206 (1890) nom.inval;A. tauricum (Besser ex Reichb.) Grossh., FL Kavk. 1:213 (1928);A. pulchellum auct.ross.nonG.Don(1827). Ic: Reichb., PL Crit. 6: t. 570 f. 776 (1828); Zahariadi in Studii Cere. Biol. Bot. 16:214, f. 7, 11 (1964). Fl (5-)7(-8). Pinus brutia, Juniperus, Cedrus & Abies forests, Quercus scrub, phrygana, swampy soil nr streams, dry stony grazed pasture, rocky igneous and limestone slopes, cliffs, screes, calcareous steppe, 10-2500 m. Described from material cultivated from seeds collected in Russia by Besser. Mainly Turkey-in-Europe & Outer Anatolia, Islands. AI (E) Edirne: Enez, N. & E. Özhatay (lSTE 33045)! A1(A) Çanakkale: 25 km N. of Gelibolu, 10 m, Sorger 68-2-92! A2(E) Istanbul: lsparta Kule station, Urdl 247! A3 Bolu: Bolu to Gerede, D. 26292! A4 Ankara: nr Karagöl, 1500 m, Koyuncu & Kol (AEF 5437)! A9 Erzurum: Oltu Yakini, Tortum, 1300 m, A. Baytop et al. (lSTE 41205)! Bl Çanakkale: 37km S. of Çanakkale, 200 m, Sorger67-47-7! B2 Kütahya: nr Emet, 1100 m, D. 36549! B7 Diyarbakir: 2 km fron Cüngüs to Karakaya baraji, 1080 m, Kit-Tan 1802! C2 Denizli: Honaz Da., W. side, 1250-1400 m, 8 v 1972, Runem.&Wendelbo! C3 Antalya: Antalya to Alanya, 10 m, Koyuncu & Coşkun (AEF 6119)! C4Içel: 12km N. of Silifke, 300 m, Sorger 71-26-19! C5 Adana: Gülek Boğazı, 1200 m, Koyuncu et al. (AEF 4979)! C6 Adana: Nur Da., c. 1 km S.E. of Yarpuz towards Akoluk Y., 1040 m, Buttler & Erben 17809! C7 Adiyaman: 45 km from Akiyaman to Kömur, 1090 m, Kit-Tan 2134! C8 Mardin: Mardin, Bakaköy, Sint. 1888:1277! Is: Lesvos, Gelia to Ypsilometron, Rech. 5778! S.W. Europe, S. Russia. Medit. element. According to the description, .4. amphipulchellum Zahar. (Biol. Gallo-Helen. 6:57, 1975) is close to A. flavum subsp. tauricum. var. pilosum Kollmann & Koyuncu in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 41:247 (1983). Fl. 6. Dry hillsides, rocky hills, scrub, c. 800 m. Type: Turkey C6 Gaziantep: about 2 km E. of Gaziantep on the road to Urfa, Alava 6705b (holo. TUR; iso. HUJ!). S. Anatolia. C6 Adana: Osmaniye above Fevzipaşa, 800 m, Koyuncu (AEF 2150)! Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. The length and quality of the hairs are variable. Distribution of species: S. and southern C. Europe, ?N. Africa. |