Brassicaceae |
![]() Alyssum alyssoides |
![]() Alyssum alyssoides |
![]() Alyssum alyssoides |
A. alyssoides (L.) L., Systema, ed. 10, 2: 1130 (1759). Syn: Clypeola alyssoides L., Sp. PL 652 (1753)! C. campestris L., Sp. PL 652 & 1231 (1753): Alyssum caly-cinum L., Sp. PL ed. 2, 908 (1759)! Ic: Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 4: 220, t. 5, f. 6 (1950). Annual with few or many, erect or ascending, rarely prostrate stems up to 35 cm. Indumentum of adpressed few-rayed stellate hairs. Leaves obovate to linear-oblanceolate. Inflorescence rarely branched, up to 15 cm. Petals obovate, 2-3(-4) mm, usually glabrous, often scarcely exceeding the sepals and persistent with them. Fruits orbicular, emarginate or truncate (2-)3-4(-5) mm; valves equally inflated, with compressed margins and an indumentum of small, ad-pressed stellate hairs. Styles 0.3-0.6(-l) mm, usually glabrous. Seeds narrowly winged. Fl. 3-8. Disturbed habitats, s.1.-2000 m. Described from Austria and France (type in Herb. Cliff.!). Scattered. A2 Bursa: Olympus (Ulu Da.), Sestini. A6-8 Tokat to Erzurum, Aucher. A7 Trabzon: Boz Tepe, Schischkin. B1O Ağri: Dutach to Burnubulak, Schischkin. C6 Gaziantep: Killis, Post 335. Europe, N. Africa. Most Anatolian records for this species are certainly wrong; confirmation of its occurrence in Turkey is needed. |