Aristolochiaceae |
![]() Aristolochia paecilantha |
Aristolochia L. Aristolochia paecilantha BOISS. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Habitat: tarla kenarları Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1000 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: B. Suriye, K. Irak Bulunduğu iller Bulunduğu kareler:C3 C4 C6 |
A. paecilantha Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(12): 104 (1853). Syn: A. hirta L. var. paecilantha (Boiss.) Duchartre in DC, Prodr. 15(1):494 (1864)! Ic: Boul, Fl. Lib. Syr.: t. 391 f. 2 (1930); Fl. Pal. 1: t. 52 (1966). Rootstock oblong or cylindrical. Stems 10-40 cm, usually simple, hirtellous to hirsute. Leaves triangular to ovate-triangular, 4-12x3-8 cm, entire or sinuate, acute or obtuse, sometimes mucronate, crisply puberulent to scabrid, base widely cordate with rounded, incurved auricles; petiole 3-20 mm. Pedun-cles 1-5 cm. Perianth 3.5-6.5 cm, greenish-yellow and hirtellous outside; utricle 5-12 x 3-10 mm, ovate-oblong, tube U-curved, 2-6 mm broad at base, gradually dilated above to 4-8 mm; limb expanded, 1-4.5 x 1.5-4 cm, oblong-ovate, obtuse or rarely acute, inside spotted dark purple and glabrous, rarely hirtell-ous, base deeply cordate, auricles oblong-concave, obtuse. Ovary pubescent to hirsute. Capsule oblong, pubescent, 3-3.5 x 2-2.3 cm. Fl. 4. Edges of fields, s.l-1000 m. Syntypes: [Palestine] in herbides vallium Samariae in tribu Ephraim, Boissier (G!); [Lebanon] ad bases Antilibani circa Rascheya, Boissier(E! G! K!). S. Anatolia. C3 Antalya: Kiremithaneler, 12 km S.W. of Antalya, It. Leyd. 1959:582! C4 Antalya: Alanya bay, 2 m, D. 25900! C6 Hatay: Antakya to Yayladağ, 5-8 km S.W. of Şenköy, 1000 m, D. 27163! Daphne, Sheik köy, 500 m, Samuelsson 5550. W. Syria, N. Iraq. Mainly E. Medit. element, being most common in Lebanon. Most nearly related to A. bottae from which it differs in its ± simple stems, broader leaves with longer petioles and in the oblong-ovate, usually obtuse perianth limb. The occurrence of this species on Leros (Sibthorp,BM!)requires confirmation; it is not recorded in Rechinger's Flora Aegaea (1943). Mouterde (Nouv. Fl. Lib. Syr. 1:386) differentiates A. scabridula Boiss. from A. paecilantha (in which it has usually been included) mainly on the basis of the brownish-red perianth of the former. A. maurorum L. x A. paecilantha Boiss. C6 Hatay: d. Antakya (Amanus), Antakya - Yayladağ, nr Şenkoy, 1000 m, D.27164! Undoubtedly a hybrid between D. 27160 (A. maurorum) and D. 27163 (A. paecilantha) showing the perianth characters of the former and the leaf characters of the latter species; it was collected growing among the parents in a cornfield. |