Lamiaceae |
![]() Lamium garganicum subsp. nepetifolium |
Lamium L. Lamium garganicum L. subsp. nepetifolium (BOISS.) R. MILL Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: gölge kalkerli kayalar, kaya yarıklar Minimum yükseklik: 760 Maksimum yükseklik: 1800 Endemik: endemik Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Türkiye Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A7 A8 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 |
L. garganicum L., Sp. PI. ed. 2: 808 (1763). Perennial, often sprawling over rocks, sometimes forming mats. Stems 6- 45 cm, villous to glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate to reniform, lamina 3-52 x 3- 46 mm, crenate or serrate, villous to ± glabrous. Verticillasters 1-5, (2-)4-8(-12)-flowered. Bracteoles 3-9(-10.5) mm. Calyx (6-)8-18(-20.5) mm, tube glabrous to pubescent or sparingly villous, 5-10(-l 1) mm; teeth 2-9 mm. Corolla purplish-pink (rarely white), with purple-striate tube and usually a large purple blotch on lower lip, 22-40(-45) mm; tube straight (rarely curved), without annulus, 14-29 mm; upper lip 6-16 mm, deeply or shortly bifid, emarginate, retuse or ± entire, the lobes themselves sometimes with notched to bifid apices; lower lip 6-20 mm, lateral lobes without or occasionally with a short subulate appendage. Nutlets 2.5-3.5 x 1.3-1.6 mm, blackish-green or brown, usually with a few paler spots. 1. Corolla white with purple veins and bluish-purple blotches at tips of both lips; tube slightly curved; plant mat-forming, with very densely whitish-villous leaves g. subsp. pulchrum 1. Not as above 2. Stems villous 3. Glandular only in inflorescence b. subsp. reniforme 3. Glandular throughout 4. Corolla 34-40 mm f. subsp. lasioclades 4. Corolla (20-) 2 5-3 2 mm 5. Calyx teeth subequal to tube b. subsp. reniforme 5. Calyx teeth shorter than tube e. subsp. rectum 2. Stems glabrous to densely pubescent 6. Upper lip of corolla deeply bifid, lobes 3-5.5 mm 7. Bracteoles 4-7 mm a. subsp. striatum 7. Bracteoles c. 3 mm b. subsp. reniforme 6. Upper lip of corolla shortly bifid to subentire, lobes 0-2.5 mm 8. Hairs of stem more than 0.5 mm b. subsp. reniforme 8. Hairs of stem 0-0.5 mm 9. Median leaves longer than 40 mm 10. Leaf incisions 5-5.5 mm deep a. subsp. striatum 10. Leaf incisions 1-4.5(-5) mm deep 11. Erect (N.W. Turkey) d. subsp. laevigatum 11. Sprawling or ascending (C. & S. Anatolia) b. subsp. reniforme 9. Median leaves less than 40 mm 12. Leaves dentate or acutely crenate c. subsp. nepetifolium 12. Leaves obtusely crenate 13. Calyx teeth (2/3-)3/4-9/l Ox tube b. subsp. reniforme 13. Calyx teeth (1/3-) 1/2-2/3 X tube 14. Stems pubescent, hairs 0.2-0.3 mm a. subsp. striatum 14. Stems ± glabrous or puberulent, hairs (if any) usually less than 0.1 mm, never exceeding 0.2 mm 15. Sprawling or decumbent; leaves sometimes broader than long (C, S. & E. Anatolia) b. subsp. reniforme 15. ± Erect; leaves ± longer than broad (N.W. Turkey only) d. subsp. laevigatum a. subsp. striatum (Sm.) Hayek, Prodr. F1. Balc. 2:275(1929). Syn: L. striatum Sm. in Sibth. & Sm., Prodr. Fl. Graec. 1:405 (1809); L. grandiflorum sensu Sieber, Avis 5 (1821) non Pourr. (1788); Dracocephalum lamiifolium Desf., Choix P1. 33: t. 15 (1808)! Ic: Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graeca 6: t. 557 (1827). Map 22. Fl. 3-5. Shady banks, volcanic cliffs, schist, 390-900 m. Type: [Greece & Aegean] in ruderatis Graeciae et Archipelagi copiose, Sibthorp (holo. OXF). Islands. Is: Lesvos, Fili a village, 380-450 m, Stamatiadou 4727! ibid., mt. Olympos, 500 m, Edmondson & McClintock 2169! ibid., 700-900 m, Stamatiadou 4694! ibid., Vatoussa, Rech. 5842! Samos, S. of Vurliotes, Runem. &Snog. 19907! Greece, Aegean. E. Medit. element. b. subsp. reniforme (Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham) R. Mill in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:34 (1980). Syn: L. reniforme Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) ser. 2, 6:47 (1836)! L. striatum Sm. var. reniforme (Montbret & Aucher ex Bentham) Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:757 (1879)! L. striatum Sm. var. glabrum Beg. & Diratz., Contr. Fl. Armen. 93, t. 12 f. 6-8 (1912). Map 22. Fl. 4-9. Shady limestone and igneous rocks, crevices, scree, walls, ruins, riverbanks, 400-2300 m. Type: [Turkey A8 Trabzon/Gümüşane] in montibus regionis Lagisthan inter Baihout (Bayburt) et Trebizondem (Trabzon), Montbret & Aucher (holo. P, iso. G! K!). Inner & S. Anatolia. A4 Ankara: Ayaş Da., 1350 m, Akman 3086! A5 Amasya: Ak Da., E. of Kocaciktepe, 1500 m, Alpinar (ISTE 36943)! A7 Gümüşane: Bayburt Osluk Köprüsü, 1750 m, Tobey 2139! A8 Çoruh: Kor devan Da. (Yalnizçam Daglari) nr Kütül Y., 200° m, D. 30184! B2 Kütahya: nr Kütahya, 800 m, Balls 633! B5 Kayseri: Bakir Da. at Akoluk Y. above Kisge, 1900 m, D. 19447! B6 Maraş: Binboga Da. above Yalak, 2300-2400 m, D. 20123! B7 Erzincan: Eğin (Kemaliye), Szanduk (Sandik), Sint. 1890:2390! B8 Bitlis: Kambos Da., 1830 m, D. 23491! B9 Bitlis: Bitlis, 1400 m, Frödin 1939:261 (as L. striatum var. nepetaefolium)! C3 Antalya: Termessos, Güllük Da., 850-1000 m, Bozakman & Fitz 1970:26! C4 Içel: d. Anamur, Çamurla Y. to Olucak, 2000 m, D. 16295! C5 Adana: d. Karaisali, Koca Çukur Y., N.W. of Pozanti, 1750 m, Hub.-Mor. 15607! C6 Hatay: Nur Da. 16 km S.W. of Yarpuz, 1670-1850 m, Buttler & Erben 17835! C8 Mardin: Mardin castle, 1200 m, D. 28339! C9 Hakkari: nr Hakkari, 1800 m, 21 v 1966, Eiselt! C10 Hakkari: nr Ziri, S. of Cilo Da., 1830 m, Trelawny 1840! Caucasia, N.W. Iran, N. Iraq. The most widespread subspecies of L. gar-ganicum in Turkey, showing considerable variation especially in leaf morphol-. ogy. Local populations, e.g. in Kayseri, Mardin, Van and Bitlis vilayets, are often recognisably distinct but, because variation is ± continuous throughout the range of the subspecies, these variants are not formally recognised here. Forms from S.W. Anatolia (B3 Isparta: Sultan Da., 1600 m, Sorger 67-2-5! C3 Isparta: Çiçek Da. 1300-1600 m, Sorger 67-5-54! 16 km N.E. of Eğridir, 980 m, Buttler & Uzunoğlu 12787!) have some characters of subsp. reniforme but differ by their more triangular, sometimes more acutely toothed leaves; they appear to be transitional to L. lycium. Some specimens from N. & C. Anatolia (A3 Bolu: Mudurnu, 1500 m, Akman 6121! A5 Çorum: Haciköy to Osmancik, 800 m, Tobey 2564! B3 Konya: Saray Da., 1600 m,v 1902,Zeder-bauer! B4 Afyon: Bayat, Koroğlu Tepe, 1350 m, Vural 310!) have small, triangular, ± dentate laeaves and resemble subsp. nepetifolium from S. Anatolia. Two specimens from C5 Nigde (Hasan Da. nr Taşpinar Y., 2000 m, D. 18995! ibid., 2600 m, D. 18962!) resemble subsp. reniforme in leaf morphology but differ from all other gatherings by their densely pubescent-pilose (almost villous) stems and leaves. They differ from each other in corolla morphology: D. 18995 has the upper lip and lateral lobes entire, while in D. 18962 the upper lip is bifid to 2.5 mm and the lateral lobes have a 0.5 mm' appendage. They may represent one or two new taxa but further collections from the area are needed. c. subsp. nepetifolium (Boiss.) R. Mill in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:34 (1980). Syn: L. striatum Sm. var. nepetaefolium Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:757 (1879)! Map 21. Fl. 4-5(-8). Shady limestone rocks, crevices, etc., 760-1800 m. Lectotype (Mill, op. cit., 1980): [Turkey C5 Içel] Tauro Cilicico [inrupes-tribus vallis Gusguta et montis Gisyl Deppe (Kizil Tepe), 1830-2440 m, 25 vi 1853],Kotschy 17 (G!). S. Anatolia. B6 Adana: Bozoğlan Da. above Saimbeyli, 1300 m, D. 26689! C5 Içel: Gözne (Çukurova), Deaver T23! Adana: Saimbeyli, Obruk Y., 1450 m, Tuzlaci (ISTE 37238)! C6 Adana: Dumanli Da. above Haruniye, 1200 m, D. 26837! Maraş: Maraş to Göksun, 10 km N. of Andırın, 900 m, Sorger 73-14-29! Endemic. E. Medit. element. d. subsp. laevigatum Arcangeli, Comp. Fl. Ital. 555 (1882). Syn: L. laevi-gatum sensu DC, Fl. Fr. 3:541 (1805) non L. (1762);L. striatum Sm. var. glabratum Griseb., Spic. 2:133 (1844);L. bithynicum Bentham in DC, Prodr. 12:505 (1848)! L. garganicum L. subsp. glabratum (Griseb.) Briq., Lab. Alp. Marit. 295 (1891);,L. garganicum L. var. glabratum (Griseb.) Briq. in Engler & Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a):255 (1896). Map 22. Fl. 4-8. Quercus, Pinus and Abies forest, stream banks, limestone rocks, dunes, 50-2200 m. Described from Italy (Piedmont, Apennines, Calabria) and Corsica. Turkey-in-Europe, N.W. & adjacent C. Anatolia. A 1(E) Kirklareli: Mahya Da., 900 m, A. Baytop (ISTE 13238)! A2(E) Istanbul: Terkos G., 50-60 m, Dudley (D. 34561)! A2(A) Bursa: Ulu Da., 1950 m, Lindberg 38! ibid., 1300-1600 m, Bornm. 1899:5442! ibid., 2130-2200 m, 7 viii 1972, Shmida & Luria! Bilecik: Bilecik, 300 m, D. 42133! B3 Kütahya: nr Kütahya, Porsuk çayi, A. & T. Baytop (ISTE 7871)! France, Italy, Balkans. Euxine element. e. subsp. rectum (Schenk) R. Millin Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:35 (1980). Syn: L. rectum Schenk, PL Nov. Sp. Aegypt. 19 (1840). Map 21.Fl. 5-7. Rocky lava slopes, crevices in limestone rocks, 1620-2000 m. Type: [Lebanon] in montis Libanon cedreto, v [1837], Roth & Erdl. S. Anatolia; local. B6 Maraş: Berit Da. to Elbistan, 2000 m, Stn. & Hend. 5602! Cβ Maraş: Ahir Da., 1830 m, Haradj. 1596! Kuru Da. (Berit Da.), Zey-tun (Süleymanli), 1620 m, Balls 1029! Hatay: Amanus, 1000 m, Haradj. 722. W. Syria. Very similar to L. armenum (q.v.) in habit, but differing in leaf and corolla morphology. L. striatum Sm. var. pubescens Beg. &Diratz., Contr. F1. Arnen. 93, t. 7 f. 5 (1912) may be synonymous but I have not seen material. It was described from Kabak Tepe, Berit Da. and Elbistan and also recorded from Zebdani near Damascus (Syria). f. subsp. lasioclades (Stapf) R. Mill in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:35 (1980). Syn: L. lasioclades Stapf in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50(2):101 (1885)! L. striatum Sm. var. minus auctt. non Boiss. (1879). Map 21. Fl. 5-6(-7). Shady limestone rocks, macchie, 860-2100 m. Type: [Turkey C7 Adiyaman] in monte Nemrud Dagh prope Kjachta (Kahta), vi 1883, Luschan (holo. W!). S. & S.E. Anatolia. B6 Maraş: 3 km W. of Elbistan, 1100 m, D. 27630! Malatya: Doğanşehir, 1500 m, Baron 2114! B7 Malatya: S.E. side of Malatya on road to Elaziğ, Alava 6855! C6 Malatya: Erkenek, between Doğanşehir and Pazarcik, 1200 m, D. 27738! Gaziantep: 38 km from Fevzipaşa to Gaziantep, 860 m, Hub.-Mor. 14220! C7 Adiyaman: Nemrut Da., 2100 m, Sorger 78-60-17! Malatya: 14 km S.W. of Malatya, 1550 m, Sorger 71-45-24! C8 Mardin: 2 km E. of Mardin, 1150 m, D. 28431! C9 Mardin: Cudi Da. above Hessana, 1500 m, D. 42825! Syrian Desert, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. g. subsp. pulchrum R. Millin Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:35 (1980). Map 21. Fl. 6-8. S.- & S. W.-facing rocks and screes, 2120-2515 m. Type: Turkey C5 Niğde: Ala Da., base camp, 2515 m, 29 vi 1964, P.W. Wood&W.B. Gibson 117 (holo. E!). S. Anatolia; local. B5 Niğde: Aksaray, Hasan Da., 2120 m, Düzenli 3080! C5 Niğde: Ala Da., on Demirkazik, Findlay 120! Endemic. E. Medit. (mt.) element. A very beautiful subspecies, closely allied to subsp. rectum but also resembling L. tomentosum in habit and indumentum. It differs from the latter by its larger, striate corollas and by the absence of an annulus in the corolla tube. Distribution of species: S. & C. Europe, Balkans, Aegean, N.W. Africa, N. Iran. |