Lythraceae |
![]() Lythrum junceum |
Lythrum L. Lythrum junceum BANKS VE SOL. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Habitat: yaş çayırlar, kaynaklar ve dere kenarları Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1750 Endemik: - Element: Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: Trakya, G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: G. Avrupa, Kıbrıs, K. Afrika Bulunduğu kareler :A2 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 |
L. junceum Banks & Sol. in Russell, Aleppo 2:253 (1794). Syn: L. graefferi Ten., Prodr. Fl. Nap. Suppl. 2:27 (1820); L. acutangulum auct. non Lag. (1816); L.flexuosum auct. non Lag. (1816). Ic: Bot. Mag. 106: t. 6499 (1880); Fiori, Ic. Fl. Ital. f. 2201 (1899). Slender glabrous perennial; stems 20-60 cm, decumbent, usually branching from near the base. Leaves 10-20 mm, broadly oblong to narrowly elliptic, sessile. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; trimorphic; hypanthium 4-6 mm, cylindrical-obconical in flower and fruit; epicalyx segments c. 0.5 mm, linear, sepals c. 0.5 mm, deltate; petals 5-6 mm, pinkish mauve to purple; stamens 12. Capsule much shorter than hypanthium. fl 4-7. Damp meadows, springs and stream side etc., s. 1.-1750 m. Described from Syria (Aleppo), Russell (holo. BM!). Turkey-in-Europe. S. Anatolia. Islands. A2(E) Istanbul: Belgrad forest, 4 vii 1920, B. Post! C2 Muğla: 1 km N. of Fethiye, s.l., Lambert & Thorp 542! C3 Antalya: Elmali to Finike, Khan et al. 218! C4 Konya: 60 km W. of Mut, 700 m,Sorger 66-30-6! Içel: nr. Anamur, Péronin 27! C5 Adana: Yumurtalık, nr. s.l., Coode & Jones 715! Içel: nr. Tusucu, W. of Mersin, FindIay 293! C6 Hatay: Kirikhan, 200 m, D. 27279! Maraş: Zeytun to Ceyhan Köprü, 1750 m, Balls 1100! Adana: Hasan Beyli, 1000 m, Haradj. 2199. Is: Kos, Rech. 7959 (as L. flexuosum Lag.); Khios, PIatt 527! Rodhos, Peveragno, Rech. 8559 (asL.flexuo-sum Lag.) S. Europe, Cyprus, N. Africa. Medit. element. Records of L. acutangulum Lag. and L. flexuosum Lag. (both species only known for certain from Spain and France) from the Near East are referable to L. junceum. |