Lamiaceae |
![]() Melissa officinalis subsp. inodora |
Melissa L. Melissa officinalis L. subsp. inodora (BORNM.) BORNM. Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 6 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Habitat: açık ormanlar, çalı, maki, kaya yamaçları ve yarıklar, dere kenarları, çorak yerler, yol Minimum yükseklik: 0 Maksimum yükseklik: 1800 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. ve D. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: B. Suriye K. Irak Bulunduğu kareler:A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 B1 B2 B7 B8 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 |
M. officinalis L., Sp. P1. 592 (1753). Perennial. Stems 28-95 cm or more, erect, branched, densely or sparsely glandular-puberulent, with or without villous indumentum of longer patent hairs, or glabrescent. Leaves broadly ovate to rhomboidal or elliptic, 18-95 x 13-75 mm, adpressed-villous to sparingly pubescent or subglabrous, acute or obtuse, cuneate to cordate, deeply crenate except at base. Floral leaves similar, lower cordate to cuneate, margin crenate-serrate. Verticillasters 4-12-flowered. Bracteoles foliaceous, narrowly to broadly ovate, 3-10 x 1.2-7 mm. Calyx 6-10 mm, with short glandular and long eglandular hairs; upper lip 2-3-toothed, middle tooth often obsolete (reduced to short mucro) or absent altogether; teeth of lower lip narrowly triangular-lanceolate. Corolla pale yellow, becoming white, sometimes tinged pale mauve, (8-)9-14(-16) mm. Fl. 6-9. Forest clearings, scrub, macchie, rocky slopes and crevices, streamsides, waste places, roadsides, s.l-1800 m. 1. Stems densely glandular-pubescent with very short hairs, lacking patent long hairs; leaves cuneate at base; middle tooth of upper lip of calyx distinct, broadly triangular subsp. officinalis 1. Stems with at least some long patent hairs, villous to glabrescent; leaves truncate to subcordate at base; middle tooth of upper lip of calyx distinct or obsolete 2. Stems and leaves densely villous to tomentose with numerous long patent hairs and usually few glands; middle tooth of upper lip of calyx obsolete or absent subsp. altissima 2. Stems and leaves sparingly pilose to glabrescent, glands few or numerous; middle tooth or upper lip of calyx fairly distinct, triangular subsp. inodora subsp. inodora (Bornm.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 31(2):250 (1914). Syn: M. inodora Bornm. in Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 48:617 (1898)! Type: [Lebanon] bei Beit-Meri und Brummana an buschigen Abhängen, c. 700 m, Bornmüller 1261 (iso. E!). S. & E. Anatolia (mainly Amanus). B8 Bingöl: 12 km from Çapakçur to Palu, 1470 m, Hub.-Mor. 10800! C5 Adana: Kozan to Feke, 19 km N. of Kozan, 480 m, Hub.-Mor. 15575! Içel: Keşli türkmenli, 65 km S.W. of Mersin, 50 m, It. Leyd. 1959:1075! C6 Maraş: Aikyr (Ahir) Da. above Maraş, 1220m, 20 vii 1865, Hausskn.! Adana: 10-14 km E. of Osmaniye, 600-900 m, ,Sorger 71-34-40! Hatay: Defne, 9 km S. of Antakya, Hub.-Mor. 12715! C8 Mardin: Binibil, Sint. 1888:1179! W. Syria, N. Iraq. E. Medit. element. |