Ranunculaceae |
![]() Ranunculus scandicinus |
Ranunculus L. Ranunculus scandicinus (BOISS.) DAVIS Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: otsu Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 3 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Habitat: sürülü tarla Minimum yükseklik: -1 Maksimum yükseklik: -1 Endemik: - Element: D. Akdeniz Türkiye dağılımı: G. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: B. Suriye ve Djebel Druze Bulunduğu kareler :C5 C6 |
R. scandicinus (Boiss.) Davis in Ark. för Bot. ser. 2, 5(1): 143 (1959). Syn: R. trachycarpus Fisch. & Mey. var. scandicinus Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 35 (1867). Figure 7, p. 177. Annual, 5-40 cm, ± pilose. Stems branched, many-flowered. Lower leaves trisect, the middle segment often long-stalked, segments much dissected into linear or sometimes narrowly cuneate-oblong, deeply trifid laciniae; upper stem leaves dissected into linear laciniae. Peduncles slender, longer than subtending leaf. Sepals reflexed. Petals c. 7 mm. Pollen grains 3-colpate. Achenes differing from those of R. marginatus by their usually smaller size (2-2.5 mm), densely muriculate disc, and recurved, slightly shorter beak (0.5-0.75 m). Fl. 3-4. Irri-gated fields at low altitudes. Lectotype: Palestine: Askalon, Kotschy 423 (G! iso. K!). Cilician Plain. C5 lçel: Kuyalak, 10 km W of Mersin, 2 m, D. 26518! Seyhan: Adana, iii 1942, M. Başarman! C6 Seyhan: d. Bahçe, Haruniye, 14 v 1951, Dıızici Enstitüsü. W. Syria & Djebel Druze. E. Medit. element, intermediate between R. cornutııs and R. marginatus, but differing from both in its tricolpate pollen grains. |