Rosaceae |
![]() Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricat |
Sanguisorba L. |
S. minor Scop., Fl. Carn. 110 (1772). Figure 1, p. 87. Stems erect, (5-) 10-75 cm, glabrous, puberulous or sparsely pilose, sparingly branched. Lower leaves in rosettes at the base of the stems, ± oblong, pinnate with (7-) 11-17 orbicular to oblong to ovate, deeply serrate leaflets, usually pilose or sericeous-pilose beneath. Upper leaves few, similar to rosette leaves but with fewer, relatively narrower leaflets. Heads ± globose. Sepals green with whitish or pinkish margins, ovate-oblong, 2-3 mm. Hypanthium forming a hard, nut-like 4-angled fruit with hairy, wrinkled or verrucose faces. A very variable species which Nordborg divides into 6 subspecies, definable on fruit characters, which are not correlated with any other vegetative or floral features. Of the 6 subspecies, 4 occur in Turkey. 1. Fruit puberulous, obovoid or ovoid, rounded to the apex, not compressed, the 4 wings obscure, the surface wrinkled or almost smooth, 2-3 x 1-1.5 mm (Figure 1) . subsp. lasiocarpa 1. Fruit glabrous, rounded or ± acute at the apex, compressed or not, wings often conspicuous, surface usually conspicuously wrinkled or verrucose, 2.5-4 x 1.3 mm 2. Angles not prominently winged, rather flattened; fruit fusiform, somewhat compressed, surface wrinkled, 3-3.7 x 1-1.5 mm (Figure 1) subsp. minor 2. Angles prominently winged, or if not, fruit markedly verrucose with conspicuous projections, not flattened, ovoid to obovoid 3. Surface of fruit thrown into coarse folds and wrinkles; fruit 3-4 x1.6-2.5 mm (Figure 1) subsp. muricata 3. Surface of fruit drawn up into prominent projections; fruit 3.5-4.5 x 2-3 mm (Figure 1) subsp. magnolii subsp. muricata (Spach) Briq., Prodr. Fl. Corse 2(l):210 (1913). Syn: Poterium muricatum Spach in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, 5:36 (1846); P. gaillardotii Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(2): 52 (1856); Sanguisorba gaillardotii (Boiss.) Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Balc. 1:699 (1926). Ic: Coste, Fl. Fr. 2:59 (1903). Fr. 6-7. Fields, forests, slopes, '250-2100 m. Lectotype: [France] Aulnay, Spach (P, fide Nordborg 1967). Widespread. A1(E) Kirklareli: Pinarhisar to Erenlerköy, 250 m, A. Baytop 15823! A2(A) Bursa: Mudanya, Nordborg 8515. A2(E) Istanbul: Gümüş-pinar to Karacaköy, A. Baytop & Attila 15823! A4 Ankara: 26 km N. of Kizil-cahamam, 1300 m, Sorger 70-5-82! A5 Amasya: Amasya, 1100 m, Tobey 1189! A6 Ordu: Fatsa to Aybasti, 400 m, Tobey 1335! A7 Giresun: 25 km S. of Giresun, 500 m, Sorger 69-23-46! A9 Kars: c. 50 km S. of Kars, 1540 m, M. Zohary & Plitm. 2267-22! B1 Balikesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.), nr. Juruk Obassi, Sint. 1883:939b! B2 Kütahya: between Kütahya and Gediz, 1100 m, M. & D. Zohary 6022! B3 Eskişehir: nr. Eskişehir, Birand & M. Zohary 3462! B4 Ankara: Dikmen, 19 vi 1953, M. Zohary! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., 1400 m, Zederbaııer. B7 Erzincan: 34 km W. of Erzincan, 2060 m, 8 vii 1963, M. Zohary! B8 Erzurum: Chnys-kale (Hinis Kale), 1680 m, 18 vii 1916, Sapozhnikov. B9 Van: Van, 1720 m, D. 44656! C1 Aydin: Samsun Da., Nordborg 8271. C2 Muğla: Sandras Da., Köklüçam, D. 13607! C3 Isparta: Sütçüler, 1000 m, D. 15889b! C4 Konya: 20km W. of Konya, 1250 m, Nordborg 9841. C5 Içel: 1 km S.W. of Tekir Tepesi, 1300 m, Nordborg 8537. C6 Hatay: Belen, 800 m, Akman. C9 Hakkari: 5 km from Hakkari, Kaval, 1850 m, D. 45403! Is: Lesvos, nr. Ajassos, 400-700 m, Rech. 5610a; Samos, Leka, Nordborg 8254; Rodhos, Hedenborg. Europe, N. Africa, S.W. Asia. Nordborg reports 2n = 28 from a number of collections from western Anatolia, and 2n — 56 for her collection from Bursa. |