
Scorzonera woronowii
Table 1.Comparison of the Basic Characters of S. tomentosa and S. woronowii
Characters S. tomentosa S. woronowii
Outer phyllaries 17—19 mm up to 8 mm
Outer phyllaries aristate—lanceolate ovate—mucronate
Outer phyllaries lanate pilose
Achene 10 mm up to 5 mm
Capltula 20—55 mm 15—20 mm

A species new for Turkey. Distinguished from S. tomentosa L. to which it close, mainly by having outer phyllaries up to 8 mm, ovate—mucronate, pilose (in S. tomentosa at least 17 mm, lanceolate—aristate, lanate), shorter achene up to 5 mm (versus 15 mm) and shorter capitula 15-20 mm long (Table 1). S. woronowii Krasch. has been given as a synonym of S. tomentosa L. in Flora of Turkey (10). But the diagnostic characters mentioned above imply that is S. woronowii deserves to be a distinct species.