S. rubicunda Hornem., Hort. Hafn. 2:968 (1815). Syn: S. peregrina L., Sp. PL 599(1753), nom. ambig.
Stem 35-50 cm, usually erect and much-branched, rarely procumbent with ascending lateral branches, often purplish below, with a very variable indumentum of long and/or short eglandular hairs, often velutinous and antrorsely puberulous, with or without patent glandular hairs. Leaves distinctly petiolate, lamina to 7 x 6 cm, broadly ovate-triangular, crenate to crenate-serrate, base truncate to cordate. Flowers in a lax spicate raceme to 20 cm. Bracts variable in size and shape, usually shorter than calyx at anthesis, subsessile or shortly petiolate (to 2 mm). Calyx 4-5 mm at anthesis, to 9 mm in fruit. Corolla purplish or reddish-violet, 12-17 mm, tube ± puberulous outside. 1. Corolla 10-13 mm; stems often arising from a procumbent main axis, 10-
30(-45) cm (Ikaria, Samos) subsp. icarica
1. Corolla (12-) 14-21 mm; stems erect or ascending, 20-60 cm (Anatolia)
2. Leaves densely lanate-tomentose, appearing greyish subsp. pannosula
2. Leaves greenish or purplish, ± sparsely hairy
3. Stem densely patent glandular-hairy, eglandular hairs also present; bracts small, not exceeding calyx at anthesis, shortly petiolate, acute subsp. brevibracteata
3. Stem antrorsely adpressed-puberulous to velutinous, eglandular; bracts
of medium size, equally or shortly exceeding calyx at anthesis, subsessile
or shortly petiolate, obtuse to subacute subsp. subvelutina
subsp. icarica (Rech. fil.) Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv 43:28 (1941). Syn: S.
icarica Rech. fil. in Mag. Bot. Lap. 33:11, t. 3 f. 2 (1934); S. rubicunda
Hornem. subsp. samia Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv 43:30, t. 2 (1941)! Figure 2.
Map 9. 2n =34. Fl. 6. Rocky slopes, Quercus coccifera macchie, walls, 400-
1000 m.
Type: [Islands] Ikaria, im Schiefergeröll auf dem Kamm über Hagios Kiry-kos, 950 m, 25 vi 1932, Rechinger 2212 (holo. Hb. Rech.).
Islands. Is: Ikaria, mt. Atheras, 950 m, Fors.-Maj. 729; ibid., 1000 m, Runem. & Snog. 12470! Samos, S.E. of Kosmadhei, 500-600 m, Buttler 23200 & Bothmer! mt. Kierki, 400 m, Rech. 1959 (type of subsp. samia)!
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
subsp. brevibracteata (Stapf) Edmondson in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:52 (1980). Syn: S. brevibracteata Stapf in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50(2):99 (1885)! Ic: Rech. fil., op. cit. f, 3 (1941). Figure 2. Map 9. Fl. 5-8. Rocky slopes and screes, Cedrus and Juniperus forest, macchie, limestone rocks, s.l.- 1750 m.
Type: [Turkey C2 Muğla] Lycia, inter Kuju Jaïla et Balbura (ancient site in Karaculha De.), 20 viii 1882, Luschan (holo. WU!).
S. Anatolia. C2 Muğla: Baba Da., 1370 m, D. 13682! Antalya: Elmali, Koçova, Demirdoğen (ISTO 2584)! C3 Antalya: Bey Da., Çamçukuru Y., 1750 m, Khan et al. 318! C4 Antalya: 24 km E. of Gazipaşa towards Anamur, 340 m, Hub.-Mor. 10184!
Endemic. E. Medit. element; A specimen from C3 Antalya: Çubuk boğazi 46 km N. of Antalya towards Bucak, 870 m, Hub.-Mor. 17235! is intermediate between this and the following subspecies, having rather larger ovate bracts and densely glandular indumentum.
subsp. subvelutina (Rech. fil.) Edmondson in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:53 (1980). Syn: S. subvelutina Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv 43:31 (1941)! S. sib-thorpii sensu Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:688 (1879) p.p.non(Bentham) Halácsy (1902). Figure 3. Map 9.
Type: Palestine, ad Hierosolymam (Jerusalem), 700-800 m, [23 v 1897], Bornmüller 1293 (holo. W!).
Mainly S. Anatolia; scattered in N. & C. Anatolia. A3 Sakarya: nr Adapa-zari, 720, Plitm. 54239! A4 Ankara: Kalecik, Kirkkiz Da., 1000 m, Bornm. 1929:14562! A5 Kastamonu: 7 km from Tosya to Osmancik, 580 m, Hub.-Mor. 14195! B3 Konya: Sultan Da. nr Akşehir, 1100 m, Bornm. 1899:5440! B4 Ankara: Hacikadin De., 3 vii 1948, Bağda! B5 Kayseri: Ali Da. 7 km S.E. of Kayseri, 1400 m, Bal. 1856:1085! C2 Denizli: Honaz Da., 750 m, Tuzlaci (ISTE 25880)! C3 Isparta: Dedegöl Da., Selköse to Oruz Gaz Y., 1200-1400 m, D. 15906! C4 Içel: 33 km from Mut to Kirobaşi, 1260 m, Hub.-Mor. 10180! C5 Içel: Kizilisali to Gökburç, 560 m, Uslu 1604! C6 Hatay: Düldül Da., 1525-2135 m, Haradj. 2403!
W. Syria; Cyprus? E. Medit. element. Plants from the Amanus (e.g. C5 Hatay: Karlik Tepe, 900 m, Akman 269!) often have longer hairs on the stem, rather larger fruiting calyces and longer corollas (to 19 mm).
subsp. pannosula (Rech. fil.) Edmondson in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:52 (1980). Syn: S. pannosula Rech. fil. in Bot. Archiv 43:38, t. 5 (1941)! Figure 2. Map 9. Among rocks, 1200-1800 m.
Type: [Turkey C5 Içel] Cilicien, Kapudschi-Dere, Felsen, 1800 m, 1896, Siehe 652 (holo. WU, iso. JE, Kİ).
S. Anatolia (Taurus). C5 Içel: nr Gözne (N.W. of Mersin), 1200-1300 m, 17 viii 1931,Eig&M. Zohary!
Endemic. E. Medit. element. A very local subspecies which, so far as can be judged from pressed material, has an ascending rather than an erect growth-habit.
Distribution of species: Sicily, S. Balkans, W. Syria, Arabia (Yemen); E. Africa?