Lamiaceae |
![]() Thymus praecox subsp. caucasicus var. grossheimi |
![]() Thymus praecox subsp. caucasicus var. grossheimi |
Thymus L. Thymus praecox OPIZ subsp. caucasicus (RONNIGER) JALAS var. grossheimi (RONNIGER) JALAS Ömür: Çok yıllık Yapı: odunsu ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 5 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 8 Habitat: taşlı ve kayalık dağ yamaçları Minimum yükseklik: 1000 Maksimum yükseklik: 3600 Endemik: - Element: ? Türkiye dağılımı: KD. ve GD. Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Kafkasya, KB. İran Bulunduğu kareler :A2 A4 A5 A7 A8 A9 B2 C9 C10 |
T. praecox Opiz in Naturalientausch 6:40 (1824). Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:322(1980). Mat-forming, with long ± woody creeping branches, non-flowering or with a terminal inflorescence. Flowering stems mainly 1-5 cm, borne in rows, each with a basal cluster of small ± carnose keeled leaves. Cauline leaves usually becoming gradually larger towards the capitate inflorescence, lanceolate-obovate to ovate-elliptic or almost orbicular, ± obtuse, variously petiolate, ciliate to 1/3-1/2, ± firm; oil dots pale and sparse; lateral veins 2-3 pairs, pro-minent, ± joining to form a marginal thickening. Bracts similar to leaves but often suffused with purple and outer ones usually larger. Bracteoles 0.5-2.5 mm, often longer than pedicels. Calyx 3.3-5(-6) mm, ± purple, tube campanu-late, usually somewhat shorter than lips; lips equal; upper teeth 0.7-l.2(-1.7) mm, longer than broad, usually ciliate. Corolla mauve to purple, rarely whitish, 5-7 mm. Fl. 5-8. Stony and rocky mountain slopes, 1000-3600 m. 1. Basal leaves ± sessile; middle flowering stem leaves 4-6 x 1.7-3 mm, usually at least 2 x as long as broad; flowering stems hairy all round subsp. skorpilii 2. Stems shortly hairy with reflexed to patent hairs; leaves glabrous, rarely weakly scabrous to shortly pilose, lanceolate-obovate to ovate-elliptic var. skorpilii 2. Stems long-villous; leaves with scattered long villous hairs above, ovate-elliptic (c. 5.5 x 3mm) var. laniger 1. Basal leaves ± petiolate; middle flowering stem leaves (3.7-)6-12 x (2.1-)4- 9 mm, usually less than 2 x as long as broad, often ± orbicular; flowering stems hairy all round or along two opposite sides subsp. grossheimii 3. Flowering stems hairy all round var. grossheimii 3. Flowering stems hairy along two opposite sides only var. medwedewii S subsp. skorpilii (Velen.) Jalas in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 64:266 (1971). var. skorpilii. Syn: T. jankae Čelak. in Flora 66:147 (1883)! T. skorpili Velen. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 52:53 (1902)! T. jankae Čelak. subsp. skorpili (Velen.) Velen. in Sitz.-Ber. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. 1903:21 (1904)! T. serpyllum L. subsp. jankae (Čelak.) Lyka in Bot. Közl. 22:78 (1925)! T. bithynicus Klokov, Rasoobrazov. Thymus Sov. Soyuza 69 (1973)! Ic: Fl. RPR 8: t. 56 f. 5 (1961), as T. jankae f. sedoides. Type: [Bulgaria] in calcareis regionis calidae inferioris ad Sumen, 1901, Škorpil (lecto. PRC!). W., C. & N. Anatolia. A2(A) Bursa: Olympus (Ulu Da.), Fedtschenko 161 (34) (type of T. bithynicus)! A4 Ankara: Akyarma pass (Gerede to Kizil-cahamam), 1580 m, Watson 5528! Çankiri: Çankiri to Ilgaz, 22 km N. of Çan-kiri, 1360 m, Hub.-Mor. 17224! Kastamonu: Ilkas (Ilgaz) Da. above Karakol, 2000-2150 m, Bornm. 1929:13623! Bolu: Köroğlu, Kayalık to Ana Kaya, c. 2000 m, Akman 3085! A5 Amasya: Ak Da., 1600-1900 m, Bornm. 1890:947! A7 Trabzon: Zigana Da., 2300 m, T. Baytop (ISTE 4714)! B2 Kütahya: Murat Da. above Kesik Söğüt, 1900 m, D. 36779! Balkans. Despite considerable variation within var. skorpilii as defined here, further division seems premature without more material and before careful comparison with the large number of infraspecific taxa described from the Balkan area. T. bithynicus from Ulu Da. was described as having extremely large calyces (5.5-6 mm) and white corollas. Isotype material (W!) has calyces c. 4 mm long. The obvious variation in flower colour may be due to hybridisation with T. bornmuelleri. Material from B2 Izmir: Boz Da. has extremely narrow stem leaves, c. 6 x 1.7 mm. var. laniger (Borbás) Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:323 (1980). Syn: T. jankae Čelak. var. laniger Borbás in Math. Term. Közl. 24:89 (1892). Type: [Turkey A5 Amasya] in regione alpina montis Akdagh ad Amasiam, Bornmüller 1198 (BP). C. Anatolia. A5 Amasya: Ak Da., 1800 m, Bornm. 1890:2618! Endemic. Subsp. skorpilii is most closely related to the C. European subsp. praecox and to the Balkan subsp. zygiformis (H. Braun) Jalas. subsp. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:323 (1980). J. Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 10:104-122 (1973). var. grossheimii. Syn: T. grossheimii Ronniger in Feddes Rep. 31:149 (1932)! T. desjatovae Ronniger, op. cit. 31:150 (1932) p.p.! T. grossheimii Ronniger var. hemschinicus Ronniger, op. cit. 31:150 (1932)! T. kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen. var. eriocalyx sensu Rech. fil. in Phyton (Horn) 5:292 (1954) p.p. non Ronniger in Náb. (1926); T. caucasicus Willd. ex Ronniger subsp. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 10:107 (1973)! Ic: Jalas, op. cit. 112(1973). Type: [USSR, Georgia] Prov. Kutais, in jugo Adzharo-Imeretino, prope Bachmaro, 2200 m, [10 vii 1925], Grossheim s.n. (holo. W!). N.E. & S.E. Anatolia. A7 Trabzon: Zigana Da., Akman et al. 6894! A8 Rize: mts. at Hemschin (Hemşin), 1931, Böhmer et al. s.n. (type of T. grossheimii var. hemschinicus)! Çoruh: mt. above Artvin, 1900 m, D. 29787! A9 Çoruh: Artvin to Mukiz, Melo Da., 2400 m, Anşin 2625! C9/10 Hakkari: Geliaschin (Tura Galila), 3000-3600 m, 1937, Ruttner & Kuntscher s.n. (fragment)! Caucasia, N.W. Iran. Although differing from each other only in stem hairiness, var. grossheimii and var. medwedewii are broadly allopatric; see map by J. Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 10:120(1973); var. medwedewii (Ronniger) Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:323 (1980). Syn: T. caucasicus Willd. ex Ronniger var. medwedewii Ronniger in Feddes Rep. 31:156 (1932)! T. caucasicus Willd. ex Ronniger, loc. cit. (1932)! Ic: Ann. Bot. Fennici 10:111, f. 2(1973). Type: [USSR, Caucasia, Azerbaijan S.S.R.] Distr. Zakataly, inter Mt. Akmal-Dagh et pasc. Kek-Rosso, [14 vii 1929], Jaroshenko s.n. (holo. W!). N.E. Anatolia. A8 Çoruh: Sawal Tepe above Murgul, 2500-2700 m, D. 32269! Caucasus, N. Iran: see map by J. Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 10:120 (under T. caucasicus subsp. caucasicus). A specimen from A8 Çoruh (Tiryal Da., 2500 m, MacPhail & Watson 5947!) is intermediate between var. grossheimii and var. medwedewii. Distribution of species: W., C. & S. Europe (subsp. praecox, subsp. arcticus (E. Durand) Jalas, subsp. polytrichus (A. Kerner ex Borbás) Jalas), Balkans (subsp. skorpilii, subsp. zygiformis), Caucasia, N.W. Iran. |