Apiaceae |
![]() Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) DRUDE |
Astrodaucus DRUDE |
A. orientalis (L.) Drude in Engler & Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 3(8):,157 (1898). Syn: Caucalis orientalis L., Sp. PI. 241 (1753); Daucuspulcherrimus Koch in DC, Prodr. 4:210 (1830). Figure 13, p. 525. Stems erect, glabrous, up to 100 cm. Leaves pubescent or glabrous with very narrow, linear segments. Petals white, 2-2•5 mm. Fruit ellipsoid-fusiform, slightly compressed, 3•5-5-2 mm, the whole surface papillose; primary ridges bearing 1 row of patent simple or stellate hairs; secondary ridges bearing 1 row of long, hamate-glochidiate spines which are broadened but not confluent at the base. Fl. 5-8. Fields, slopes, steppe, roadsides, etc., 350-2700 m. Described from the Orient (Hb. Linn. 338/12, photo!). Mainly Inner Anatolia. A4 Çankiri: Çankiri, 800 m, Bornm. 1929:14114! A5 Kastamonu: Tosya, Sint. 1892:4528! A6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 1400 m, Tobey 2342! A7 Giresun: Şebinkarahisar, D. 20460! A8 Erzurum: Yusufeli to Erzurum, 1600 m, Stn. & Hend. 6144! A9 Kars: Gölebert to Ardahan, 1800 m, D. 30441! B3 Eskişehir: Eskişehir, 800 m, D. 36949! B4 Ankara: Beynam, D. 13108! B5 Nevşehir: Göreme, 7 km S. of Ürgüp, 1300-1500 m, M. & D. Zohary 2422! B6 Sivas: Suşehri, 700 m, M. Zohary 971326! B7 Malatya: Darende to Kavak Ağaç, B. Post 845! B8 Erzurum: 10 km E. of Erzurum, 2000 m, Lamond 2592! B9 Ağri: nr. Suluçem, 1850 m, D. 47231! C4 Konya: Sille, nr. Konya, 1150 m, Hub.-Mor. 8018. C6 Maraş: Maraş, 600 m, Hausskn.! C10 Hakkari: Zap gorge, 9 km from Hakkari, 1200 m, D. 44939! C. & S. Russia, Caucasia, N., N.W., W. & C. Iran, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, Transcaspia. Ir.-Tur. element? A very variable and widespread species. Variation is shown in several characters, particularly ray number and indumentum of leaves, petals and fruit spines, but this variation is not correlated. Plants with leaves, backs of petals and fruit spines pubescent have been called Daucus pulcherrimus var. eriocarpus Boiss., but the differences in indumentum are not clear cut; some specimens have glabrous leaves but pubescent fruit-spines. There seems to be a cline in ray number from W. to E. across Turkey, plants with more than 15 rays per umbel being more or less restricted to A8, A9, B7, B8, B9 and C10; this holds regardless of whether the plants are glabrous or variously pubescent. D. 13108 from Ankara has remarkable heteromorphic fruits, with the inner mericarp warty rather than spiny; the status of this needs further study. In some specimens (e.g. B7 Elazığ: Elaziğ, Sint. 1889:774!) the leaf sheaths are greatly enlarged, forming conspicuous, ribbon-like structures. In other specimens from the east of Turkey the bracts are conspicuous and persistent; these perhaps represent the Caucasian taxon described as var. involucratus Bordz. |