Apiaceae |
![]() Bupleurum gerardii ALL. |
Bupleurum L. |
B. gerardii All., Syn. meth. hort. Taur. & Auct. 81 (1774). Ic: Fiori, Ic. FL Ital. f. 2257 (1899). Figure 9, p. 401. Annual, 10-50 cm, very variable and modifiable, short specimens often branched from the base, tall ones only apically. Leaves 2-11 cm long, 1-4 mm broad. Rays 5-7, very unequal, 5-40 mm. Bracts 3-5, 6-15 mm. Bracteoles 5, tapering narrowly to a ± long point, 3-8 mm. Umbellules 6-9-flowered. Petals 0.3-0.4 mm, in some specimens apically granulose-papillose, inflexed lobe of one firm bent part and one very thin, ± short and narrow apical one. Anthers 0-2-0-25 mm. Stylopodium 0.5-0.6 mm, styles 0.15-0.2 mm. Fruit 2-2.5 mm, variable in form, prismatic to rounded, smooth, ridges filiform. FL 5-7. Scrub vegetation, slopes, banks, fields, etc., 600-1200 m. No exact type citation. Probably described from cultivated material (Hort. Taurinensis). Widespread. A3 Bolu: Ala Da. on Kartal Kaya Tepe, 1750 m, D. 37417! A4 Zonguldak: Araç, 760 m, Tobey 1917! A5 Amasya: Amasya, Maniss. 1171! A6 Sivas:Zara to Serefiye Yayla, 29 km N. of Zara, l550-l630m,Hub.-Mor.136241 A8 Gümüşane: S. foot of Soğanlı Da., N. of Bayburt, 1650 m, D. 31998! A9 Kars: Selim to Sarikamiş, 1900 m, D. 30688! B5 Kayseri: Bakir Da. above Kisge, 1400 m, D. 19282! B6 Sivas: Melekumdagh to Sivas, 1892, Girard! B7 Elaziğ:N. side of Hazar G., 1200 m, D. 28997! B9 Bitlis: Kars Da. above Kotum, 1830 m, D. 22254! C4 Konya: Karaman to Mut, 1430 m, M. Zohary 290117! C5 Adana: Güllek Depe, Siehe 418! Cß Gaziantep: road to Urfa, 2 km E. of Gaziantep, Alava 6700! C7 Urfa: Tschamurli, Sint. 1888:796! C8 Mardin: c. 15 km from Nusaybin to Mardin, 600-650 m, D. 28459! C9 Siirt: 14 km from Şirnak to Cizre, 610 m, D. 42682! W. Mediterranean, N. Balkans to Hungary, Bulgaria, Crimea, Georgia, W. Syria, W. Iran. In the sense used here, B. gerardii also includes the European forms often referred to B. commutatum as var. pachnospermum (Pane.) Wolff or subsp. glaucocarpum (Borb.) Hayek. True B. commutatum has more rays, longer petals, and a much larger stylopodium and longer styles. Collections from C5 Adana (nr. Feke, D. 19550! Hub.-Mor. 15249!) deviate in their larger floral parts and a larger ovary suggesting considerable fruit differences. Considering the great variation in B. gerardii, and with ripe fruit lacking, the form is left undescribed. It may be a separate species, but fruiting material is required. |