Asteraceae |
![]() Anthemis cotula L |
![]() Anthemis cotula L. |
Anthemis L. |
A. cotula L., Sp. Pl. 894 (1753). Syn: A. antiochia Eig in Pal. J. Bot., Jer. ser. 1:200 (1938)! Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 6(3):303, f. 134 (1968). Figure 10, p. 183. Erect or ascending, glabrous or sparsely pubescent annual. Stem usually much branched, 10-60 cm. Leaves 2-5 cm, obovate in outline, 2-3-pinnatisect into linear-oblanceolate lobes, 1.5-3 x 0.3-0.5 mm, acute. Capitula radiate or rarely discoid; peduncles slender, becoming slightly thickened. Involucre (0.4-)0.7-l cmbroad; phyllaries whitish pubescent, ovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, margins scarious. Receptacle elongate-conical; paleae linear-subulate, only on upper part of receptacle. Ray flowers usually 12, sometimes few, 2-3 or absent, sterile; ligules 5-7.5 mm. Disc corollas 2.5-3.5 mm, somewhat inflated at base. Achenes turbinate, 1.5 mm, obscurely ribbed, usually tuberculate, brown, ± readily deciduous at maturity; apex domed, ecoronate. Fl. 6-7. Pastures, roadsides, waste ground, often on sandy soil, s. 1.-1300 m. Described from Europe: praecipue in Ucrania (Hb. Linn. 1016/16!). Widespread, though scarce in E. Anatolia. A1(E) Edirne: Enez, Bauer & Spitz. 891! A2(E) Istanbul: Araplidere, A.Baytop (ISTE 14076)! A2(A) Istanbul: Alem Da., 7 vi 1897, Azn.! A3 Adapazari: 45 km S. of Akyazi, 720m, M.Zohary 5427! A4 Zonguldak: Keltepe above Yenice, 1300 m, D. 38949! A5 Samsun: nr Kirazlik, 5 m, Tobey 376! A6 Samsun: 16 km W. of Samsun, 5 m, Sorger 69-20-3! A7 Trabzon: nr Trabzon, Hand.-Mazz. 153. A8 Çoruh: Hopa, s.l., D. 29822! A9 Kars: 10 km from Kars to Iğdir, Hewitt 315! Bl Izmir: 20 km W. of Bergama, Sorger 63-11-2! B2 Izmir: Boz Da., 1150 m, Sorger 68-13-9! B8 Elaziğ: 1 km N. of Karakocan, 1060 m, Buttler 15844! Cl Izmir: Kuşadasi, 40 m, Sorger 65-9-45! C3 Konya; Beyşehir, D. 16114! C4 Konya: Küçük Köy between Konya and Çumra, 980 m, Helbaek 2617! C5 Içel: 27 km E. of Silifke, 10 m, Sorger 71-13-1! C6 Adana: Nur Da., E. of Yarpuz, 1150 m, Buttler & Erben 17704! C9 Mardin: Cizre, 350 m, D. 42534! Is: Lesvos, Cand.; Samos, Colonna, Fors.-Maj. 927! Rodhos, Bourgeaıı. N. Africa, throughout Europe, Caucasus, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Iraq. Intro-duced in N. & S. America, Australia and New Zealand. A. cotula is a variable species in which Eig (loc. cit.) was able to distinguish four infraspecific taxa, including the discoid var. atlithensis Eig from Palestine which he put forward with some hesitation. Whilst there are usually 12 sterile ray flowers in this species, D. 45799 (from C10 Hakkari: Gevar Ovasi between Yüksekova and Sat Da., 1930 m) has 2-3 which are small and poorly developed, but M.Zohary 57029 (from B8 Muş: nr Muş, 1500 m) is completely discoid. Probably this is not identical with Eig's variety and has arisen independently. |