Asteraceae |
![]() Anthemis tinctoria L. var. tinctoria |
![]() Anthemis tinctoria L. var. tinctoria |
![]() Anthemis tinctoria L. var. tinctoria |
Anthemis L. |
A. tinctoria L., Sp. PL 896 (1753). Ic: Hegi, I11. Fl. Mittel-Eur. 6(3): t. 270 (1968). Figure 10, p. 183. Greyish-green or whitish perennial, sparsely or densely covered with adpressed-tomentose pubescence, sometimes almost glabrous. Stems branching from near base, ± erect, 20-45(-60) cm, branches 1-headed. Leaves 2-3-pinnatisect (second-ary segments of lower leaves often bearing as many as three pairs of lobes), oblanceolate or obovate in outline, 1-5 cm, primary segments 3-5-pa,ired, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 5-15 x 1.5-5 mm. margin divided into 3-7 pairs of triangular, acute, spinulose-tipped lobes c. 1.5 mm, generally strongly infolded but sometimes (in woodland forms) remaining fiat. Capitula radiate or discoid. Involucre l-l.2(-2) cm broad, sparsely or densely white-tomentose; inner phyl-laries brown-margined, ciliate at apex, Ligules when present c. 20, yellow or pale cream, 4-8(-10) mm. Disc flowers 3-4 mm, not inflated at base at maturity. Paleae oblong, acuminate, as long as disc flowers. Achenes 1.75-2 mm, ± distinctly ribbed; corona entire, c. 0.25 mm. A. tinctoria, because of its extreme variability, has been interpreted as consisting of a number of varieties which diverge in two main streams from the typical yellow-rayed taxon. In the discoid stream it is possible to distinguish var. virescens, because of its larger size and southerly distribution, from the variable and widespread var. discoidea. The distinction between the white or cream var. pallida and A. triumfettii, is sometimes less easy; both may occur in the same area and specimens are encountered which seem to be intermediate. Nevertheless, there do appear to be two taxa: the one closer to typical A. tinctoria in habit with narrow infolded leaf segments, loosely branching habit and smaller heads, as against A. triumfettii which is often a larger plant with flat leaf segments, larger capitula and fastigate branching habit. 1. Capitula radiate 2. Ligules white or cream var. pallida 2. Ligules yellow 3. Erect or ascending inland plants; leaves oblong in outline, segments deeply toothed var. tinctoria 3. Procumbent sea coast plants; leaves obovate in outline, segments shallowly toothed var. euxina 1. Capitula discoid 4. Plants generally greyish-tomentose; involucre 1-1.5 cm broad var. discoidea 4. Plants subglabrous or only sparsely tomentose; involucre 1.7-2 cm broad var. virescens var. tinctoria. Syn: A. tinctoria var. orientalis Eig et var. parviflora Eig in Pal. J. Bot., Jer. ser. 1:211 (1938); A. debilis Fed. in Fl. URSS 26:867 (1961). Fl. 5-9. In steppe, fields, limestone ledges and amongst scrub, s.l.-1830 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Cliff. 414/2!). Widespread in Turkey, Islands. A1(E) Tekirdağ: Yenice, 610 m, E.Anglia Exped. F32! A1(A) Çanakkale: 16 km S. of Çanakkale, 5 m, Hub.-Mor. 17548! A2(E) Istanbul: nr Ormanli, A.Baytop (ISTE 12134)! A2(A) Bilecik; Bilecik to Pazaryeri, 500 m, D. 36458! A5 Amasya: 33 km from Samsun to Merzifon, 600 m, Coode & Jones 1977! A6 Samsun: Karadağ, 5 km E. of Samsun, 300 m, Tobey 331! A7 Erzincan: 105 km E. of Suşehri towards Erzincan, 1830 m, Apold et al. 195! A8 Çoruh: above Artvin, 800 m, D. 30039! Bl Balikesir: Mt. Ida (Kaz Da.) nr Kareikos, Sint. 1883:611! B2 Kütahya: Emet to Gediz, 1150 m, D. 36592! B3 Kütahya: Eskişehir, 15 km from Kütahya, 800-900 m, D. 36093! B4 Ankara: Beynam, c. 1000 m, D. 13082! B5 Nevşehir: Nevşehir, 1200 m, D. 19086! B6 Sivas: 48 km from Suşehri to Zara, 1200 m, Stn. & Hend. 5784! B7 Elaziğ: 2 km S. of Maden, 1200 m, lt. Leyd. 1959:1531! B8 Siirt: Şirvan to Kurtalan, D. 22117! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., 1830 m, D. 23586! C2 Antalya: Girdev Da., D. 13883! C3 Afyon: Denizli to Çardak, 25 km from Burdur, 800-900 m, Dudley (D. 35628)! C4 Konya: Beyşehir to Konya, 29 km from Beyşehir, 1170 m, Dudley {D. 35852)! C5 Içel: Gullek Tepe, 1100 m, Siehe 1896:426! C6 Adana: d. Osmaniye, Yağlipinar above Yarpuz, 1350-1400 m. Hub.-Mor. 15780! C8 Mardin: 5 km N.E. of Mardin, 900 m, D. 28608! C10Hakkari: 2 km from Şemdinli to Yüksekova, 1550 m, D. 45025! Is: Lesvos, Mt. Lepetymnos, Cand.; Samos, Mt. Ambelos, 600 m, Rech. 2152. Throughout Europe, Caucasia, W. Syria, Iran. |