Asteraceae |
![]() Artemisia splendens WILLD. |
![]() Artemisia splendens WILLD |
Artemisia L. |
A. splendens Willd., Sp. Pl. 3(3): 1822 (1803). Figure 15, p. 315. Map 29, p. 321. Tufted or hummock-forming perennial. Flowering stems erect, 10-30 cm, sericeous-pilose. Basal leaves petiolate, up to 2 cm, 2-pinnatisect with oblong to very narrowly elliptic, entire, acute segments, silvery sericeous on both surfaces. Cauline leaves and bracts similar but smaller. Inflorescence a strict, ± secund raceme or very narrow panicle. Capitula erect to somewhat nodding, ± depressed-globose, 5.5-7 mm broad, many-flowered. Receptacle conspicuously pilose. Outer phyllaries ± oblong, with thickened, foliaceous central part and conspicuous dark brown outer scarious part, all tomentose; inner a little longer, mostly scarious. Outer flowers filiform, female, inner hermaphrodite, fertile, corolla reddish, pilose on lobes, inserted ± straight on ovary in flower, becoming some-what oblique after fertilization. Fl. 6-9. Slopes, mountain steppe, 2600-4100 m. Described from Armenia, Tournefort (P-Tourn. 4167, photo!). E. Anatolia. A8 Gümüşane: Kop Da., Bayburt, 2800 m, Balls 1781! B5 Kayseri: Kayseri, Aulich 285! B8 Muş/Erzurum: Bingöl Da., 3300 m, Radde. B9 Bitlis: SüphanDa. above Adilcevaz, 3800-4100 m, D. 24649! Van: Çuhgediği, Hoşap to Başkale, 2800-2880 m, Hub.-Mor. 11225! B10 Ağri: Ararat (Ağri Da.), Szovits! C9 Hakkari: between Başkale and Koçanis, 2600m, Nábelek 3479, 3487. C10 Hakkari: Cilo Tepe, 3500 m, D. 24109! Caucasia, N. Iran, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. |