Asteraceae |
![]() Centaurea aucheri (DC.) WAGENITZ |
![]() Centaurea aucheri (DC.) WAGENITZ |
Centaurea L. |
C. aucheri (DC.) Wagenitz in Bot. Jahrb. 82:180 (1963). Syn: Tomanthea aucheri DC, Prodr. 6:564 (1838)! Amberboa phaeopappa DC, Prodr. 6:560 (1838)! Phaeopappus leuzeoides Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(6): 124 (1845) nom. illegit.! Ph. szowitsii Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(6): 123 (1845)! Centaurea phaeopappa (DC.) Schultz Bip. in Linnaea 19:326 (1847)! Phaeopappus leuzeoides Boiss. var. integrifolius Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:597 (1875); Ph. leuzeoides Boiss. var. szowitsii (Boiss.) Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:597 (1875)! Ph. aucheri (DC.) Heimerl in Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. Kl. 50:65 (1885)! Ph. depressus Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. 311 (1888)! Ph. scleroblephanis Freyn in Bull. Herb. Boiss. ser. 2, 1:271 (1901)! Ph. aucheri (DC.) Heimerl var. szowitsii (Boiss.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 20(2): 166 (1906)! Ph. aucheri (DC.) Heimerl var. integrifolius (Boiss.) Bornm. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. sér. 2, 7:224 (1907); Ph. aucheri (DC.) Heimerl var. szowitsii (Boiss.) Borm. f. scleroblephanis (Freyn) Bornm. in Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 60:142 (1910)! Tomanthea phaeopappa (DC) Takht. ex Czerep. in Not. Syst. (Leningrad) 20:477 (1960)! Centaurea aucheri (DC.) Wagenitz var. szowitsii (Boiss.) Wagenitz in Bot. Jahrb. 82:180 (1963)! Ic: Bot. Jahrb. 82: t. 16 (1963); Fl. URSS 28: t. 21 (1963) (as Tomanthea phaeopappa). Perennial with woody rootstock, stem 6-40 cm, erect or ascending, simple or with few simple branches. Leaves ± densely floccose grey-tomentose; ± lanceolate in outline, but extremely variable according to degree of dissection: pinnati-partite with numerous partly divided linear-lanceolate or lanceolate segments to lyrate or undivided, basal and lower petiolate, median and upper sessile, sometimes slightly decurrent. Involucre (20-)25-30 x(15-)18-23, ovoid. Appendages large, concealing most of basal part of phyllaries, straw-coloured (± brown in central part), suborbicular with numerous (c. 10-20) irregular cilia (2-)3-5 mm, and a terminal 2-8 mm spinule, appendage usually slightly decurrent with hyaline auricles (often not well developed in Turkish material!). Flowers yellow. Achenes 6-7 mm; pappus (13-)14-20 mm. Fl. 6-7. Rocky slopes, steppe, 1150-2500 m. Type: [Iran] Persia occid., Aucher 3195 (holo. G-DC!). E. Anatolia. B9 Van: Van, 2200 m, Kronenburg 45 (type of Phaeopappus scleroblephanis)! Çuhgediği, Hoşap to Başkale, 2150-2200 m, Hub.-Mor. 11737! Ağri: 54 km from Ağri to Doğubayazit, 1900 m, Rech. 44383! B9/10 Kars: Iğdir to Orkof, 1150 m, Demiriz 3418! Transcaucasia, N. Iraq, W. & N. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. In an earlier publication (Bot. Jahrb. 82:180 ff. 1963) two varieties have been distinguished on account of the form of the leaves. But as transitional forms are so frequent and widespread it is questionable if this serves a useful purpose. |