Asteraceae |
![]() Cirsium simplex C. A. MEYER subsp. armenum (DC.) PETRAK |
![]() Cirsium simplex C. A. MEYER subsp. armenum (DC.) PETRAK |
Cirsium MILLER |
C. simplex C.A.Meyer, Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 70 (1831). Rhizomatous perennial, 25-50 cm. Stems unbranched, unwinged, green or purplish, glabrous or shortly arachnoid (hairs multicellular), bearing l-5(-10) capitula in a conferted terminal head. Leaves glabrous, or arachnoid on the main vein below, usually herbaceous; basal leaves usually oblanceolate, entire to shallowly sinuate-lobed to ⅓(-½), rarely pinnatifid, margin pectinate with long and short spines, spines usually weak but sometimes ± stout, 0.5-10 mm, lamina tapering into a short winged spinulose petiole; median cauline leaves oblong to lanceolate 10-15 x 1-2 (-4) cm, sessile and shortly semi-amplexicaul, margined as in basal leaves; upper leaves linear-lanceolate, pectinate-spined, shorter to longer than capitula. Involucres hemisphericai-obconical, 20-25(-28) mm. Phyllaries 5-6-seriate, median lanceolate, thin, greenish, with a darkened linear 4-6 mm vitta, attenuate into an erect, usually weak, 2-3(-4) mm spine. Corollas 18-20 mm, dirty white or purple; anther tube mauve. Achenes 4-4.5 mm. Pappus 15-19 mm. Fl. 7-8. By streams and flushes, 2000-2900 m. 1. Basal and median cauline leaves entire to lobed to ⅓, lobes (when present) obscure to triangular and separated by U-shaped sinuses; spines of involucral leaves up to 6 mm, usually slender; flowers whitish or purple 2. Flowers purple; leaves entire (except for pectinate margin) subsp. simplex 2. Flowers dirty white; leaves simple to lobed to ⅓(-½) subsp. armenum 1. Basal and median cauline leaves pinnatifid to ¾, lobes lanceolate and lobulate, separated by wide square sinuses; flowers dirty white subsp. satdaghense subsp. armenum (DC.) Petrak in Izv. Kavkaz. Muz. 8(1-2):63 (1914). Syn: C. armenum DC, Prodr. 6:647 (1838); C. simplex var. armenum (DC.) Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:543 (1875). Type: [Turkey B8 Erzurum] in Armenia prope Erzeroum, Aucher 3385. E. & N.E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Karagöl Da., Sint. 1894:7169 & 7169b! A8 Gümüşane: Haldizan Da.. N. of Bayburt, 2590 m, Balls 1879! Rize: above Cimil, 2100 m, Bal. A9 Kars: Sarikamiş to Horasan, 2300 m, Hub.-Mor. 15946! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum, Kotschy suppl. 633. Bingöl: Bingöl Da., Tchihatcheff. B9 Van: Çuhgediği (Hoşap to Başkale), 2670 m, Hub.-Mor. 11239! C9/10 Hakkari: Cilo Da. above Sua, 2440 m, D. 24300! S. Transcaucasia. |