Asteraceae |
![]() Cousinia bicolor FREYN ET SINT. |
![]() Cousinia bicolor FREYN ET SINT |
Cousinia CASS. |
C. bicolor Freyn & Sint. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 42(6): 204 (1892). Ic: Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 63: t. 1 f. 11 (1913). Map 32, p. 339. Perennial, 10-40 cm, much branched, bushy, many-headed. Stems slender, adpressed woolly-tomentose, ± soon glabrescent. Leaves arachnoid and glab-rescent above, densely white-tomentose below, prickly; basal leaves oblong to lanceolate, 8-20x3-7 cm, pinnatipartite, with 6-10 pairs of linear-lanceolate to linear segments; stem leaves shortly decurrent (wings 0.3-1 cm long), lower ones oblong, 5-10 x 3-4 cm, pinnatipartite, with 4-6 pairs of segments, upper oneslanceolate, up to 3 x 1 cm, toothed. Capitula 15-28-fiowered. Involucre ovoid, 1.2-2 cm broad incl. spines; phyllaries 60-100, ± arachnoid and soon glabrescent, with ovate-lanceolate base and c. 2 mm long spreading part, lower ones reflexed and hooked, others spreading, curved or straight. Bristles of receptacle smooth. Flowers yellow, 11-15 mm. Achenes light brown, often with dark brown spots, obovate, 5x2 mm, striped lengthwise, truncate and conspicuously denticulate at apex. Fl. 6-8. Steppe, 1300-1930 m. Type: [Turkey A7 Gümüşane] in campis ad Koesve (Köse Da., 20 km S.E. of Gümüşane), 24 vii 1890, Sintenis 3284 (holo. LD! iso. G!). E. Anatolia. A8 Gümüşane: 13 km from Bayburt to Aşkale, 1630 m, Hub.-Mor. 15933! B8 Erzurum: Chadzhioner (Haciömer), Saposhnikov! Muş: Muş to Varto, 1420 m, D. 46101! B9 Muş: 24 km from Patnos to Malazgirt, 1660 m, Hub.-Mor. 11185! Ağri: 12 km from Taşliçay to Ağri, 1850 m, Demiriz 3449! Bitlis: Ahlat, D. 24604! Endemic, Ir.-Tur. element. Very near to the Caucasian C. hohenackeri Fisch. & Mey. |