Asteraceae |
![]() Taraxacum montanum (C. A. MEYER) DC. |
![]() Taraxacum montanum (C. A. MEYER) DC. |
![]() Taraxacum montanum (C. A. MEYER) DC. |
Taraxacum WIGGERS |
T. montanum (C.A.Meyer) DC, Prodr. 7:154 (1838). Syn: Leontodon montanum C.A.Meyer, Verz. Pfl. Cauc. 58 (1831). Ic: Fl. URSS 29: t. 25 f. 3 (1964). Plant stout; leaves big and mostly broad, hairy, mostly lobate; side lobes mostly spreading. Involucre up to 2.5 cm long, outer phyllaries very numerous, broadly ovate, imbricate, spreading, pruinose and with a large margin. Ligules pale yellow. Achenes 7-8.5 mm, tuberculate, spinulose at apex; cone cylindrical, 1.5-2.5 mm; beak c. 15 mm; pappus white, 9-10 mm. 2n=40. Fl. 7-8. Rocky slopes, often in damp places, I250-2800 m. Type: [Caucasia] in cacumine montis Beschbarnak, 200 m, C.A.Meyer. Mainly Inner Anatolia. B7 Tunceli: Pertek to Hozat, 1600 m, D. 31070b! Siirt: Meleto (Meretug) Da., 1800-2800 m, Hand.-Mazz. 2848! B8 Erzurum: Bingöl Da., Tchihatcheff. B9 Van: d. Çatak, Kavuşşahap Da., 1829 m, D. 23003! Bitlis: 5 km from Bitlis to Tatvan, 1650-1750 m, Hub.-Mor. 14685! C4 Konya: Ermenek, 1300-1400 m, D. 16162b! C5 Niğde: Maden, 1524 m, Darrah 533! Adana: Ala Da., 1600 m, Tchihatcheff. C6 Malatya: Besni, Gölbaşı to Sürgü, 3 km S. of Erkenek, 1250 m, Hub.-Mor. 15918! C9 Hakkari: 10 km towards Yemag from Hakkari, 1300 m, Birand & Karamanoğlu 427! C10 Hakkari: Zab gorge, 48 km S. of Başkale, D. 23818! Caucasia, N. Iraq, N. Iran, Transcaspia. Ir.-Tur. element. Poorly developed plants of T. montanum (growing in dry places or flowering in autumn) are often similar to T. syriacum, in that only a single capitulum per scape is present: the outer phyllaries can then be narrower than normal and the achenes smaller. In this case the length of the cone seems to be decisive; in T. montanum it is more than 1.5 mm long, in T. syriacum it is less; and in T. montanum the beak is c. 15 mm long, in T. syriacum c. 10 mm. Handel-Mazzetti discusses intermediate forms and transitions; in my view, this does not mean that hybrids have been observed or that both belong to a single species. The following Turkish specimens are referrable to f. rubrofructum van Soest (Acta Bot. Neerl. 17:485, 1968) and are distinguished by their red achenes: B4 Ankara: Gölbaşı, 850 m, Sorger 69-65-2! B9/10 Ağri: Doğubayazit to Diyadin, 1200-1500 m, Hewitt 160 (inner phyllaries with a gibbosity!)! C5 Bulgar Da., Gisyl Deppe (Kizil Tepe), 2435 m, Kotschy!C8 Mardin: Mardin, Sint. 1888: 1357! T. montanum has been recorded by Richards (Taxon 18:562, 1969) from 'Turkey: Mamora, Kapi Dagi Mts.'. However, although the identification and chromosome count are correct, the locality is far outside the known area of distribution and there appears to be some doubt as to whether the collection is actually from Turkey. Sect. Scariosa Hand.-Mazz. emend. Dahlst. in Acta Horti Berg. 9:3 (1926). Achenes usually slightly reddish, also straw-coloured, spinulose above with cylindrical cone, beak usually short (less than 7 mm); pappus white or nearly so. Capitula small (up to c. 2.5 cm broad). Outer phyllaries erect with a broad margin, corniculate or with a small gibbosity. Ligules pale yellow. Flowering time usually from autumn to spring. With the exception of T. bithynicum which stands slightly apart, the other species are often grouped under one of the following names: Leontodon megalor-rhizon Forssk., Fl. Aeg.-Arab. (1775) = T.. megalorrhizon (Forssk.) Hand.-Mazz., and Leontodon gymnanthes Link in Linnaea 9 (1855) = T. gymnanthum (Link) DC, Prodr. 7 (1838). I have not seen the types of these two species. |