Boraginaceae |
![]() Anchusa arvensis (L.) BIEB. subsp. orientalis (L.) NORDH. |
![]() Anchusa arvensis (L.) BIEB. subsp. orientalis (L.) NORDH |
Anchusa L. |
A. arvensis (L.) Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1:123 (1808). subsp. orientalis (L.) Nordh., Norsk Fl. 526 (1940). Syn: Lycopsis orientalis L., Sp. PI. 139 (1753); L. erecta d'Urv., Archip. 22 (1821) p.p.; Anchusa orientalis (L.) Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 18:63 (1858) non L. (1753); Lycopsis arvensis L. subsp. orientalis (L.) O.Kuntze in Trav. Mus. Bot. Acad. Pétersb. 8:104 (1911). Ic: Syme, Engl. Bot. 7: t. 1111 (1867); Coste, Fl. Fr. 2:585 (1903). Figure 8, p. 243. Sparsely tuberculate-strigose annual; stems erect, 10-40 cm. Leaves 35-120 x 9-15(-24) mm, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, usually ± dentate. Cymes becoming lax in fruit, bracts leafy. Calyx 4-6 mm, elongating to 6-10 mm and becoming stellate-spreading in fruit, divided almost to the base into ± blunt lobes. Corolla zygomorphic, bright blue, tube 4-5 mm, lobes 2-3 mm, unequal. Stamens inserted at or below middle of tube. Nutlets 2-3 x c. 2 mm, obliquely ovoid. Fl. 4-6. Fields, stony places, 850-2300 m. Described from the Orient. N., S., C. & E. Anatolia. A2(A) Bursa: Olympus Bithynus (Ulu Da.), Sestim. A3 Ankara: Beypazari, Kühne 747! A5/6 Samsun: Ladik istasyon, Karadağ, 1000 m, Tobey 1118! A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, 1300 m, Stainton 8337! A8 Erzurum: Erzurum to lspir, vi 1853, Huet! A9 Kars: 8 km from Kars to Susuz, 1800 m, D. 30620! B2 Kütahya: 7 km N; of Bademli, 1450 m, Spitz. 1970:8! B7 Elaziğ: 15 km from Elazığ to Hazar G., 850 m, D. 28976! B8 Erzurum: 60 km E. of Erzurum, 1971, Uotila! B9 Van: 4 km W. of Erciş, 1720 m, D. 43456a! B10 Kars: 3-4 km W. of lğdir, 880 m, D. 43583! C2 Antalya: Elmali, Bourgeau. C3 Antalya: Irmásan pass, 1500 m, 22 vii 1971, Shmida & Lev-Ari! C6 Hatay/ Gaziantep: lskenderun to Gaziantep, Haradj. 3966! S.E. Europe, Asia, E. to Tibet, Ethiopia. Subsp. arvensis, which differs by itslarger flowers, more strongly dentate leaves, compact inflorescences, erect calyx lobes and less tuberculate nutlets, replaces subsp. orientalis over most of Europe; the two subspecies coexist in Crimea. The Stainton specimen cited above shows some of the characteristics of subsp. arvensis. Turkish records of A. arvensis are presumed to refer to subsp. orientalis. |