Boraginaceae |
![]() Lappula barbata (BIEB.) GURKE |
![]() Lappula barbata (BIEB.) GURKE |
![]() Lappula barbata (BIEB.) GURKE |
L. barbata (Bieb.) Gurke in Engler & Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. ed. 1, 4(3a):107 (1897). Syn: Myosotis barbata Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 1:121 (1808); Echinospermum barbatum Lehm., Asperif. 2:128 (1818); E. cariense Boiss., Diagn.ser. 1(4): 40 (1844)! E. saxatile Wettst. inStapf, Polak. Exped. 1:31 (1885); Lappula echinata Gilib. var. cariensis Kuntze in Acta Horti Petrop. 10:214 (1887)! L. saxatilis Kusn. in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 4(2): 183 (1913). Ic: Bieb., Cent. PI. Rar. Ross. t. 36 (1810); Boul., Fl. Lib. Syr. 2: t. 297 (1930). Figures 7, p. 241; 9, p. 245. Biennial, very variable in degree of branching, (15-)20-45(-55) cm, ± sericeous. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate to linear-oblong, basal ± withered at anthesis. Inflorescence much-branched. Flowers distinctly pedicellate, pedicels c. 2 mm and suberect in fruit. Calyx lobes ± narrowly lanceolate, erecto-patent in fruit. Corolla rotate, tube 1.2 mm, limb conspicuous, (4-)5-7 mm diam., sometimes marbled paler and darker blue in sicco. Nutlets depressed-pyriform, c. 3.3 x 1.6 mm, distinctly marginate, with short to l(-l.3) mm narrowly stalked glochids and 1-2 subsidiary rows of shorter (c. 0.3-0.4 mm) glochids especially in lower 1/2; disc and dorsal surface tuberculate, keel of disc ± crested, usually shortly glochidiate. Style distinctly exserted from between tips of nutlets. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, stony and igneous slopes, field margins, waste places, etc., 830-3100 m. Syntypes: [Crimea] in Tauria circa Karassubasar; [Caucasia] ad Caucasum, nec non in Tberia circa oppidulum Mosdok, Marschall von Bieberstein (LE). Mainly Inner & S. Anatolia. A3 Ankara: N.W. of Beypazari, Kühne 547! A4 Ankara: 15 km N. of Ankara, Coode & Jones 2149! A5 Çorum: Osmancik, Kilinç 3780! A6 Tokat: nr Tokat, Krause 3788! A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, 10 vi 1862, Bourgeaul A8 Erzurum: W. of lspir, 1400 m, Barclay 786! A9 Kars:8 km from Kars to Susuz, 1800 m, D. 30589! B2 Kütahya: Murat Da. above Gediz, 1400 m, D. 36678! B3 Eskişehir: 15 km E. of Sevinçköy, towards Alpu, 830 m, Buttler 13265! B4 Ankara: Hacikadin De., Bağda 136! B5 Kayseri: Erciyas Da., 1500 m, vi 1902, Zederbauer! B6 Sivas, Sivas, 1525 m, Balls 1449! B7 Erzincan: Paschtasch (Bağiştaş), Sint. 1889:938! B8 Erzurum: 67 km N. of Hinis, 1750 m, M.Zohary 571115! B9 Van: Kavuşşahap Da., 3100 m, D. 23143! B10 Ağri: 18 km from Doğubayazit to lğdir, 1850 m, D. 43541! C2 Denizli: Honaz Da., vi 1842, Boiss. (syntype of E. cariense)! C3 Burdur: by Burdur G., vi 1845, Heldr.! C4 Konya: 34 km S. of Karaman, 1430 m, M.Zohary 2404! C5 Niğde: Bolkar Maden, Siehe 1895:553: C6 Adana: mts. nr Hacin, 4 vii 1906, B.Post ! C10 Hakkari: Nehil Çayi, 48-55 km from Hakkari to Yüksekova, 1600-1700 m, £».44906! Balkans, S. Russia, Caucasia, N., N.W., W. & S. Iran, Khorassan, Afghanistan. ir.-Tur. element. Related to L. microcarpa. |