Boraginaceae |
![]() Onosma mutabile BOISS. |
![]() Onosma mutabile BOISS |
![]() Onosma mutabile BOISS |
Onosma L. |
O. mutabile Boiss., PI. Or. Nov. Dec. 2:3 (1875). Perennial. Stems 1-4, 12-40 cm, simple, patent-setose and shortly hairy. Leaves 15-100 x 3-25 mm, obtuse (rarely subacute), with dense soft adpressed setae and short soft hairs; basal longest and widest, obovate-spathulate, cauline oblong to oblong-lanceolate; basal and lower cauline shortly petiolate. Inflorescence of 1-2 cymes, scorpioid at first, becoming elongated and somewhat straightened. Bracts 10-17 mm, lanceolate to linear. Pedicels c. 2 mm in flower, to 12 mm in fruit. Calyx (13-)15-17 mm, lobes linear-lanceolate to linear, obtuse to subacute, long patent-hairy. Corolla bright yellow at first, becoming pink and finally violet-blue, 20-25 mm, cylindrical-campanulate, subglabrous. Anthers slightly shorter than filaments, sterile tips usually exserted. Nutlets 3.5-4 mm, ovoid, acute, brownish. Fl. 5-8. Screes, limestone cliffs, eroding shale banks, steppe, 1000-2740 m. Type: [Turkey C6 Maraş] Cataonia, in regione superiore montis Berytdagh Cataoniae, 1830-2740 m, [7] viii 1865, Haussknecht (holo. G!). N.W., N., S. & E. Anatolia; scattered. A3 Bolu: Abant G., 27 viii 1972, Shmida & Lev-Ari(!). A4 Zonguldak: Kel Tepe at Sorgun Y., 1700 m, D. 37860! Kastamonu: Kastamonu to Küre, 1070 m, D. 21695! A6 Ordu: Yavadi, N.N.E. of Mesudiye, 1500 m, Kerck 21 /2! B6 Adana: d. Feke, Saimbeyli, Maniss. 730! B9 Van: nr Bashkalah (Başkale), Layard 315! C7 Adiyaman: Nemrut Da. nr Kahta, vi 1883, Luschan. C8 Mardin: Mardin, 1000 m, 5 v 1966, Eiseltl Endemic. |