Brassicaceae |
![]() Alyssum xanthocarpum BOISS. |
Alyssum L. |
A. xanthocarpum Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 17: 154 (1842). Syn: A. macro-stylum Boiss. & Huet in Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 279 (1867)! Figures 17, 18, pp. 371, 373. Annual. Leaves obovate or oblanceolate, obtuse or acute. Racemes simple, unbranched. 2-8 cm. Lowermost fruiting pedicels 5-12 mm, ± horizontal. Petals 4.5-6(-7) x (l-)2.5-3.5 mm, emarginate, constricted below the limbs, the claws dilated and with sparse indumentum. Fruits orbicular to ovate, (5.5-)6-7 x (3.5-)5.6 mm, with a dimorphic indumentum of simple and furcate tuberculate hairs intermixed with adpressed, few-rayed, stellate hairs; valves equally inflated. Styles glabrous or with sparse indumentum, (2.0-)2.5-3.5(-4.6) mm. Seeds narrowly winged. Fl. 4-7. Slopes and forests, 600-2500 m. Lectotype: [Turkey B7 Malatya] Ak Dagh, Aucher 263 (BM! G! K!). Central and E. Anatolia. A4 Kastamonu: Ilgaz Da., 22 km N of Ilgaz, 1550 m, Hub.-Mor. 14806! A5 Kastamonu: Tosya, Guiar Da., Sint. 1892: 3862! A6 Tokat: Tokat, Bornm. 1893: 3246! A7 Gümüşane: Molirva Meşere, Sint. 5558! A8 Gümüşane: Bayburt, Bourgeau 166! A9 Çoruh: Tamrot, Woronow. B5 Kayseri: Bakir Da., Sencan De., 2200 m, D. 19411! B6 Sivas: Çamlibel Da., above Yenichan (Yildizeli), Borum. 1890: 1929! B7 Erzincan: Kainartchar (nr. Sandik), Sint. 1890: 2211 p.p.! B8 Erzincan: Erzincan, 1800-1900 m, Huet! C6 Maraş: Ahir Da., 600-1000 m, Haradj. 1668! Caucasia, W. Syria. |