Brassicaceae |
![]() Isatis cappadocica DESV. subsp. cappadocica DESV. |
![]() Isatis cappadocica DESV. subsp. cappadocica DESV |
Isatis L. |
I. cappadocica Desv. in J. Bot. Appl. 3: 174 (1814). Syn: /. latisiliqua sensu Boiss., Fl. Or., 1: 377 (1867) p.p. non Stev. Perennial, often suffrutescent. Stems 20-70 cm. Leaves thin, like the stems usually pubescent or glabrous; basal leaves oblanceolate or obovate, entire or weakly dentate; median stem leaves oblong to linear-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtusely or acutely auricled. Flowers 4-5 mm. Fruits 10-30 x 5-20 mm, in Turkey obovate, elliptic, ovate, suborbicular, ovate-rhomboid or cuneate-oblong, shortly and densely hairy or glabrous, wing thin, usually much broader than the loculus, flat or undulate, loculus not transversely wrinkled, midrib slender. An extremely polymorphic species whose limits and subdivision remain obscure. As circumscribed here, the species is equivalent to most of Boissier's inter-pretation of /. latisiliqua Stev. though it excludes /. latisiliqua itself, a distinctive species confined to Caucasia and distinguished from /. cappadocica by its hispid stem bases and transversely wrinkled loculus (as in Sameraria armena (L.) Desv.). The key below attempts to cope with most of the major variants found in Turkey; other taxa in the same complex occur in Caucasia (/. nummularia Trautv., /. karjaginii Schischk.) and Iran (/. besseri Trautv., /. stenophylla Bornm. & Gauba, etc.). Examination of the type in Paris shows /. cappadocica to be the earliest name for the group. 1. Fruits 10-12x5-9 mm, usually ovate-rhomboid, flat, densely velutinous or glabrous; stems 20-30 cm; basal leaves obovate or obovate-oblanceolate subsp. cappadocica 1. Fruits 12-30x8-20 mm, elliptic, ovate, obovate or suborbicular, flat or undulate, puberulent or glabrous; stems 30-70 cm; basal leaves oblanceolate, often narrowly so 2. Wing of fruit strongly undulate when ripe 3. Fruit broadly elliptic to suborbicular, 13-17 x 9-17 mm subsp. steveniana 3. Fruit ovate-elliptic, 20-30 x 12-20 mm, often mottled with purplish brown subsp. macrocarpa 2. Wing of ripe fruit nearly flat 4. Fruits cuneate-oblong, 24-26 x8-9 rnm, tapered below, wing as broad as loculus subsp. nurihakensis 4. Fruits suborbicular, obovate, ovate or elliptic, 12-30 x 9-20 mm, wing manifestly broader than loculus 5. Fruit suborbicular, 12-16 x 12-İ6 mm (sometimes rounded-elliptic), obtuse or emarginate (inflorescence of short arcuate branches; plant suffruticose) subsp. alyssifolia 5. Fruits obovate, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 14-30 x9-20 mm 6. Fruits usually obovate or elliptic, 14-24 x 9-12(-17) mm, acute at the base or at both ends; stem leaves usually obtusely auricled 7. Fruits obovate, sometimes broadly elliptic (rarely ovate-elliptic), usually obtuse and less than 2 x longer than broad, puberulent or glabrous subsp. subradiata var. subradiata 7. Fruits elliptic, usually 2 x longer than broad, obtuse or emarginate, tomentose-puberulent or glabrous subsp. subradiata var. gudrunensis 6. Fruits ovate-elliptic, 20-30 x 12-20 mm, rounded at least at the base, often mottled with purplish brown; stem leaves subacutely auricled subsp. macrocarpa subsp. cappadocica. Figure 15, p. 291. Syn: /. velutina sensu Boiss., Fl. Or., 1: 378 (1867) non Boiss. & Huet.; /. atropatana Grossh. in Not. Syst. Leningrad 13:13 (1950)! Fl. 5-7. Rocky slopes and screes, 1700-2400 m. Type: Cappadocia, Tournefort (Herb. Vaillant, P!). Scattered on the periphery of Inner Anatolia. A2 Bursa: Bithynian Olympus (Ulu Da.), S side, vii 1874, Pichler! A6 Sivas: Yildis Da., 2200-2400 m, Bornm. 1890: 1669! A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, Bourgeau 31! B7 Erzincan: Sipikor Da., Sint. 1889: 1205! C5 Seyhan: Koca Çukur Y. above Pozanti, 1750 m, Hub.-Mor. 16050! N.W. & W. Iran, Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element. The Turkish material of subsp. cappadocica (often wrongly determined as /. velutina Boiss. & Huet) is here equated with /. atropatana from Iran, although the latter has narrower leaves than most Turkish specimens. In Iran it shows some intergradation with /. steno-phylla Bornm. & Gauba, another member of the /. cappadocica group. Subsp. cappadocica is closely allied to /. erzurumica (q.v.), and the characteristics of its mature fruits need verification. |