Campanulaceae |
![]() Asyneuma limonifolium (L.) JANCHEN subsp. pestalozzae (BOISS.) DAMBOLDT |
![]() Asyneuma limonifolium (L.) JANCHEN subsp. pestalozzae (BOISS.) DAMBOLDT |
A. limonifolium(L.) Janchen in Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Wien 4:11 (1906). Perennial, erect or ascending, stems simple or branched above, 10-100 cm, papillose or with short hairs, rarely glabrous. Leaves in a dense rosette. Rosette-leaves and the few cauline leaves very variable, usually oblong to linear-lanceolate, rarely ovate, 3-6 x (0.3-)0.8-1 .5 cm, undulate, ± obtuse at apex, narrowed into 2-6(-9) cm petiole. Inflorescence almost lax to dense, spicate-paniculate; flowers single or in clusters of 2-4. Pedicels 0-2 mm. Calyx lobes lanceolate, erect. Corolla lobes glabrous or papillose. Stigmas 3. Capsule very variable in size and form, ± ovoid, rarely subglobose, (2-)5-6(-7) x 3-3.5 mm, weakly ribbed, opening by 3 ± apical pores. Seeds ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, light brown, shiny. 1. Stem usually simple; flowers in clusters of 2-4 (solitary in alpine and dwarf forms), sessile, rarely on 1 mm pedicels; corolla lobes 8-9 x l.5 mm; seeds 1.3 x 0.8 mm . subsp. limonifolium 1. Stem ± branched from middle; flowers single, rarely in clusters of 2-4, on 1-2 mm pedicels, rarely ± sessile; corolla lobes 7-8 x 1.3 mm; seeds 1 x 0.8 mm subsp. pestalozzae subsp. pestalozzae (Boiss.) Damboldt in Boissiera 17:80 (1970). Syn: Phyteuma pestalozzae Boiss., Diagn. ser. 1(11):76 (1849)! Asyneuma lobelioides (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. f. stenophylla (Bornm.) Bornm. & f. aspera Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 38(2):345 (1921)! A. floribundum (Stapf) Davis in Kew Bull. 1949:109 (1949)! A. amanum Rech. fil. in Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien 57:88 (1950)! Ic: Bot. Mag.: t. 8936 (1922); Ark Bot. ser. 2, 5: 30, dext. (1959). Fl. 6-7.Steppes, meadows, rocky slopes, 400-2400 m. ___ _____ Type: [Turkey C2?] Lycia, 1846, Pestalozza (holo. G!). S., W. & C. Anatolia. A4 Ankara: 22 km N.W. of Ankara, 900 m, Sorger 71-62-1! A5 Amasya: mt. Kirklar, 500-600 m, Bornm. 1890:3106! A6 Tokat: Tokat, 600-800 m, Bornm. 1889:586b! A7 Gümüşane: nr Gümüşane, Bourgeau 156! B2 Izmir: W. side of Boz Da., 1430 m, Buttler & Erben 17431! B3 Konya: Sultan Da., Akşehir, 1100 m, Bornm. 1899:5275! B4 Ankara: nr Ankara, Lindsay 84a! B5 Yozgat: Yozgat, 1450 m, 3 vii 1930, Frödin ! B6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 1800-2300 m, Sorger 69-58-5! C2 Antalya: Elmali, Bourgeau 138! C5 Içel: Gölpinar, 1680 m, Uslu 1973:2927. C6 Maraş: Amanus, Düldül region, 1520-2130 m, Haradj. 2336 (type of A. amanum)! Endemic. In habit this subspecies resembles A. lobelioides, but differs in its shorter pedicelled, smaller flowers and smaller seeds. Possibly there may be some hybridization between the two taxa. In herbarium specimens of subsp. pestalozzae the pollen grains were sometimes aborted. A. limonifolium is very variable and many ± local variants and ecotypes have been given specific rank. A repandum is evidently an alpine ecotype from Ulu Da. Populations with smaller flowers and capsules occur almost throughout the area of the species. A. parviflorum from the Dardanelles and A. otites from the Cilician Taurus represent such populations. The size and form of the capsule is very variable often in the same plant. |