Campanulaceae |
![]() Asyneuma rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. subsp. rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. |
![]() Asyneuma rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. subsp. rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. |
![]() Asyneuma rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. subsp. rigidum (WILLD.) GROSSH. |
A. rigidum (Willd.) Grossh., Opred. Rast. Kavk. 426 (1949). Papillose or scabrous-pubescent, rarely glabrous perennial. Stems erect or
ascending, 20-60 cm, usually simple. Lower cauline leaves largest, very variable in size and form, lanceolate to narrowly ovate or elliptic, serrate or crenate, sessile or shortly petiolate; middle cauline similar, mostly linear-lanceolate, smaller, sessile. Flowers subsessile, single or in clusters of 2-4, in racemose-spicate inflorescence. Calyx lobes lanceolate, erect. Ovary turbinate, ribbed, 2-3 x 1.5 mm. papillose, rarely hairy. Capsule ellipsoid or obconical, ribbed, papillose or glabrous, opening by 3 ± apical pores. Seeds ellipsoid, ± flattened, light brown, shiny. 1. Stem 40-60(-70) cm, ± evenly leafy; leaves very variable in form and size, mostly lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, 4-5 x 0.6-1 cm, subsessile, rarely with short to 5 mm petiole; inflorescence elongate, many-flowered; capsule 3-6 x 2-3 mm; seeds 1.8-2 x 0.8-1 mm subsp. rigidum 1. Stem 20-30 cm, leaves mostly crowded in lower ⅓; lower cauline leaves elliptic, ovate, rarely lanceolate, ± obtuse, attenuate into 5-20 mm petiole, rarely ± sessile; inflorescence usually crowded, few-flowered; capsule 4 x 3 mm; seeds 2.5 x 1.5 mm subsp. sibthorpianum subsp. rigidum. Syn: Phyteuma rigida Willd., Sp. Pl. 1:925 (1798)! Phyteuma lanceolata Willd., op. cit. 924 (1798)! non Vill. (1787); Campanula tauricola Boiss. & Bal. in Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(3): 116 (1856)! Asyneuma lanceolata (Willd.) Hand.-Mazz. in Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 27:431 (1913); A. controversum (Boiss.) Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 38(2):341 (1921)! ?A. supinum (Wettst.) Bornm., op. cit. 350 (1921)! A. eldivenum Czecz. in Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 9:42 (1932); A. densifolium Rech. in Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 57:87 (1950)! A.harad- janii Rech. fil., op. cit. 89 (1950)! Ic: Ark. Bot., ser. 2, 5: t. 29: t. 30 (1959); Feddes Rep. Beih. 107(2): t. 32 f. 1 (1938). 2n = 28. Fl. 6-8. Forest, macchie, steppe, rocky slopes, 400-3000 m. Type: 'Rapunculus armenus altissimus folio glabro et rigido', Tournefort (holo. B-Willd. 3894! iso. P-Tourn. 366). Inner & adjacent N. & S. Anatolia. A3 Bolu: 29 km from Gerede to Ankara, Jenkins 2086! A4 Ankara: d. Kizilcahamam, Aliş Da., 1250 m, Khan et al. 587! A5 Kastamonu: Ilgaz Da., 2130 m, Uvarov 83 ! A6 Sivas: Zara to Seri fiye, 3 km N. of Kürünlü, 1720 m, Buttler 15879! A7 Gümüşane: Kirkpauli, Sint. 1894:6280! A8 Gümüşane: nr Baibut (Bayburt), vii 1862, Bourgeau! A9 Kars: E. of Kağiz-man, 20 km from Akçay to Cumaçay, 2200 m, D. 46708! B3 Kütahya: Bayat, Meşeli pinar, Ekim (ANK 2003)! B4 Ankara: Beynam, D. 13085! B5 Kayseri: Ali-Dagh (Ali Da.), S.E. of Césarée (Kayseri), c. 1200 m, Bal. 1856:1022! B6 Sivas: 28 km N.W. of Divriği, 1500 m, Sorger 69-42-1 la! B7 Tunceli: 100 m S. of Yeniköy pass towards Pertek, 1450 m, Bııttler 15879! B8 Muş: 6 km from Çaylar to Varto, 1750 m, D. 46310! B9 Bitlis: Süphan Da., above Adilcevaz, 2900 m, D. 24636! C2 Antalya: Ak Da., 1800 m, Sorger 68-26-70! C3 Antalya: Fesliken Y., Kar Çukura Y. nr Çalbali Da., D. 15397! C4 Konya: nr Ermenek, 1400 m, 1872, Hb. Boiss.! G5 Içel: d. Anamur, between Beşküyü and Çamurlu Y., 1900 m, D. 16272! C6 Adana: Amanus, 1500 m, Haradj. 581 (type of A. densi-folium) ! C7 Adiyaman: Malatya to Kjachta (Kahta), nr Kory, 1950 m, Hand.-Mazz. 2499! C9 Hakkari: Koçanis, 2285 m, D. 24348! C10 Hakkari: Cilo Da., above Diz De., 2430 m, D. 23987! N. Iraq, N.W. Iran, Soviet Azerbaijan & Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element. Subsp. rigidum in this broad sense is very variable and genetically not uniform. Beside widespread alpine forms to which possibly A. supinum belongs, many populations could be distinguished according to leaf shape and size. In Transcaucasia and adjacent N.E. Turkey somewhat stout plants with small lanceolate, acute, serrate, sessile leaves occur, while in the more western parts of the area there occur plants with broader, ± crenate leaves, the lower usually petiolate. In S. and S.E. Anatolia the situation is more complicated: besides populations with broader, ± sessile leaves which are ± densely crowded (A. controversum, A. densifolium), populations with smaller ± crenate and petiolate leaves which are not densely crowded (A. haradjanii) are also present. |