Caryophyllaceae |
![]() Silene bupleuroides L. |
Silene L. |
S. bupleuroides L., Sp. PI. 421 (1753). Syn: S. longiflora Ehrh., Beitr. 7: 144 (1792). Figure 4, p. 187. Erect glabrous and glaucous perennial, 30-70 cm. Basal leaves oblanceolate to linear, acute. Cauline leaves more than 3 x longer than broad, linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence racemose, often viscid. Bracts ovate, long-acuminate, enclosing the flower buds. Calyx 20-28 mm. Petals white, the limb bipartite to the middle. Anthophore 10-18 mm. Capsule 10-16 x 5-7 mm, included in the calyx. Fl. 7-8. Rocky places, meadows, 1500-2800 m. Described from Persia (Hb. Linn. 583/25!). A7 Gümüşane: Kelkit to Erzincan, 2100 m, D. 31894! A8 Çoruh: Artvin, 12 viii 1911, Woronow. A9 Kars: nr. Sarikamiş (Grossheim 3: map 275). B6 Maraş: W foot of Binboğa Da., 1540-1580 m, Hub.-Mor. 11168! Sivas: Serefiye Y. nr. Zara, 1600 m, Hub.-Mor. 15223! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 1800 m, D. 31153! B8 Erzurum: 7 km E of Tercan, 1560 m, Hub.-Mor. 10722! B9 Erzurum: Ağri to Horasan, 2150 m, Lamond 2570! B10 Ağri: between Ağri andDoğubayzit, 1670 m, Zohary & Plitmann: 2261-32! Van: d. Başkale, Ispiriz Da., 2800 m, D. 23748! C2 Muğla: Sandras Da. nr. Kökluce, D. 13605! Balkans, Bulgaria, Romania, C. Europe, Crimea, S. Russia, Soviet Armenia, N. Iran. The westerly specimens are small in stature and have much reduced stem leaves; they are sometimes recognised as S. staticifolia Sibth. & Sm., Prodr. Fl. Graeca 1: 301 (1806) ( = subsp. staticifolia (Sibth. & Sm.) Chowdh. in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 22: 255, 1957). |