Crassulaceae |
![]() Rosularia radiciflora BORISS. subsp. radiciflora |
![]() Rosularia radiciflora BORISS. subsp. radiciflora |
Rosularia (DC.) STAPF |
R. radiciflora Boriss. in Fl. URSS 9:120 (1939). Rosettes 1-10 cm, with a distinct resting phase; caudex present; scapes 6-22 cm, lateral, flowering rosettes persistent. Leaves glabrous or glandular-pubescent with a cartilaginous-erose margin; those of the resting rosettes ovate-oblong, 10-20 mm, the outer often chartaceous, 'waisted' above, with an expanded tip, erecto-patent; those of the fertile rosettes narrowly spathulate, green or glaucous, often elongating considerably (up to 100 mm) as the inflorescence develops, spreading. Inflorescence 6-50-flowered, a raceme, cymose panicle or dichasial cyme, densely glandular-pubescent almost to the base of the scape or totally glabrous. Flower white to deep pink; pedicels 1-5 mm, those of the lowest flowers in the inflorescence or cyme the longest; calyx 4-6 mm; corolla campanu-late, 7-11 mm; anthers dark; scales quadrate, erect. Follicles lanceolate, 5-7 mm, shortly glandular to glabrous; styles 08-2.5 mm; seeds narrowly elliptic and attenuate, striate. Fl. 6-9. Shady limestone and igneous rocks, 900-3000 m. 1. Inflorescence and leaves glabrous subsp. glabra 1. Inflorescence and leaves glandular-pubescent 2. Flowers 6.5-8 mm, pink or white flushed with pink; scapes 6-10 cm; leaves up to 2 cm subsp. radiciflora 2. Flowers 8.5-11 mm, white; scapes (10-)15-25 cm; leaves up to 10 cm subsp. kurdica subsp. radiciflora. Syn: Umbilicus libanoticus (Lab.) DC. var. steudelii Boiss., Fl. Or. 2:772 (1872). Type: [N. Iraq] in fissuris rupium montium Kurdistaniae Gara, 27 vii 1841, Katschy 332 (iso. K! LE!). N.E. & E. Anatolia. A8 Rize: S. of Rize, 2750 m, Fıırse & Synge 881! B7 Tunceli: Selepür to Pülümür, 1600 m, D. 30394! Malatya: 3 km from Ismet Paşa to Gündüzbey, 1090 m, Hııb.-Mor. 10256! Erzincan: by the Euphrates, nr. Mutu, 1180 m, Hııb.-Mor. 11370! B8 Bingöl: 23 km S.S.W. of Bingöl, 1000 m, 15 vi 1967, Eiselt! Bitlis: S. slopes of Kambos Da., above Tutu, 2200 m, McNeill 626! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., crater, 2400 m, McNeill 563! Van: Toprakkale, nr. Van, 1900 m, Hııb.-Mor. 10255! N. Iraq, Soviet Armenia. Ir.-Tur. element. Two specimens from B9 Van (Karz Da, above Kotum, 1800 m, D. 22267, ibid., 2000 m, D. 22272) appear to be intermediate between subsp, radiciflora and subsp. glabra. |