Fagaceae |
![]() Quercus robur L. subsp. pedunculiflora (C. KOCH) MENITSKY |
![]() Quercus robur L. subsp. pedunculiflora (C. KOCH) MENITSKY |
Quercus L. |
Q.robur L Sp. PL 996 (1753). Menitsky in Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSSR 16:114-131 and in Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc. (Leningrad) 5:82-85 (1968). Deciduous tree to c. 25 m, wide-spreading at top; young shoots glabrous or pubescent, light brown to reddish-brown; buds to 4 mm, glabrous, ciliate-margined or tomentose, reddish-brown. Leaves usually crowded at apex of shoots, obovate, to c. 20 x 9 cm, sessile and auriculate or stalked, with 5-8 entire, irregularly rounded, deep lobes, occasionally with secondary lobes; pri-mary veins 5-9, intercalary veins also present; indumentum of dendroid-stellate hairs, ± dense beneath or occasionally sparse, greyish or yellowish-green, gla-brous above or with some stellate hairs, rarely glabrous on both surfaces. Peduncle (2-)4-12 cm. Cupule hemispherical, rarely cyathiform, 15-20 mm diam., greyish-brown; scales concentric, concrescent except for triangular reddish apices, flat or convex; acorn 1/2-2/3 exserted. A widespread and frequent species throughout Europe, Turkey and Cau-casia whose taxonomy is still far from clear. We have provisionally recognised two subspecies in Turkey: the type subspecies in N.W. and C. Anatolia and subsp. pedunculiflora in S.E. Anatolia. Menitsky used the latter name for all the Turkish material, but the fairly ample material available to us suggests that the S.E. Anatolian plant deserves some kind of recognition. We have also disagreed with Menitsky in that we interpret the range of the type subspecies as extending far beyond his limit of the Balkans. 1. Leaves subsessile, with a broad sinus; peduncle (2-)4-10(-12) cm, ± slender subsp. robur 1. Leaves with a distinct petiole to 2 cm, and with a narrow sinus; peduncle 2-6 cm, ± stout subsp. pedunculiflora subsp. pedunculiflora (C. Koch) Menitsky in Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSSR 16:129 (1967). Syn: Q. longipes Steven in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 30(l):387 (1857); Q. erucifolia Steven, op. cit. 388 (1857); Q. pedunculata Ehrh. var. pinnatipartita Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:1164 (1879); Q. kurdica Wenzig in Jahrb. Berlin Bot. Gart. 4:186 (1886). Ic: Feddes Rep. Sonderbeih. D: t. 22, 23 (1936), as Q. erucifolia. Figure 19. Map 80. Fr. 8-9. Rocky, often lime-stone, slopes in moist places, 1200-1800 m. Type: [USSR, E. Transcaucasus] im südlichen Daghestan auf Kalk und Mergel, 61-305 m, C. Koch (holo. B, destroyed?). E. & S.E. Anatolia. B7 Tunceli: Ovacık, Munzur De., 1230 m, Odabaşi (ISTO 8652)! B8 Erzincan: Tercan to Ortakom, O. Kütahyali (ISTO 2407)! Bingöl: Yayla Düzü, 1240 m, Sevimsoy (ISTO 17716)! Muş: Muş to Tatvan, nr Rahvandüzü, 1520 m, Yalt. (ISTO 15445)! B9 Bitlis: above Sez köyü, 1700 m, Peşmen 3304! C9 Van: 50 km from Başkale to Hakkari, 1800 m, McNeill 702! Hakkari: Zap gorge nr Kalolans, D. 23871! C10 Hakkari: junction of Van-Hakkari/Yüksekova roads, 1700 m, D. 44706! Transcaucasus. Ir.-Tur. element? Although we have circumscribed this sub-species as being restricted to E. Anatolia and adjacent parts of the USSR, there are occasional specimens from within the range of the widespread subsp. robur (e.g. from Bulgaria) that have the longer petioles and leaf characters of subsp. pedunculiflora. Within Turkey, the two subspecies are generally easily distinguished on morphology and geography. |