Fabaceae |
![]() Astragalus chaldiranicus KIT TAN ET SORGER |
![]() Astragalus chaldiranicus KIT TAN ET SORGER |
![]() Astragalus chaldiranicus KIT TAN ET SORGER |
Astragalus L. |
A. chaldiranicus Kit Tan & Sorger in Aliso 11: 624, t. 2 C (1987). (Sect. Onobrychium Boiss. [3:197]). Erect caulescent perennial to 45 cm. Stems herbaceous, c. 20 cm, black and white bifurcate-hairy at nodes. Leaves imparipinnate, 7-8 cm; leaflets 10-12-paired, shortly petiolulate, those from median and lower leaves narrowly elliptic, 15-17x2.5-4 mm, obscurely retuse, white adpressed bifurcate-hairy on abaxial surface, glabrous to subglabrous on adaxial surface. Stipules ovate to lanceolate, 2-3 mm. Peduncles 10-15 cm, white and black bifurcate-hairy. Spike dense, 35-40-flowered, cylindrical, elongating to 4.5 cm in fruit. Bracts ovate-triangular, c. 1.5 mm. Bracteoles absent. Calyx not inflated in flower or fruit, tubular-campanulate, (5-)6-7 mm (incl. 1 .5-2 mm teeth), hairs black and white, or predominantly rufous-brown, adpressed bifurcate. Corolla deep magenta, drying bluish-purple and cream; standard glabrous, 16-20 x 7-8.5 mm, shallowly emarginate; expanded limb of wing and keel petals to 8.5 mm and 5.5 mm respectively. Style 4-5 mm. Legume exserted from calyx, erecto-patent, ovoid, 8-9x3-4 mm (excl. straight 1.5 mm beak), black and white bifurcate-strigillose, predominantly black-strigillose at maturity. Fl. 7. Wet meadows, gypsaceous hills, 2200 m. Type: Turkey B9 Van: 2 km S. of Çaldiran, wet meadows at foot of gypsum hills, 2200 m, 10 vii 1982, Sorger & Buchner 82-60-23 (holo. & photo. Hb. F. Sorger!). Endemic? Ir.-Tur. element. Locally abundant at Çaldiran (where it formed showy clumps 45 cm tall) and very likely to occur in N.W. Iran. Amongst the Turkish species, closest to A. xylobasis Freyn & Bornm. [3:209], which differs by its smaller leaves with 4-5 pairs of leaflets, 5-8 cm peduncles, 10-15-flowered spike with purple, not deep magenta flowers, and conspicuously white-hairy legumes with short curved beaks. |