Fabaceae |
![]() Astragalus compactus LAM. |
![]() Astragalus compactus LAM. |
![]() Astragalus compactus LAM. |
Astragalus L. |
A. compactus Lam., Encycl. 1:322 (1783). Ic: DC, Astrag. t. 32 (1802). Dwarf cushion-forming shrub, 10-15 cm. Leaf rachis spiny, 4-6 cm, straight or incurved. Leaflets 10-15 mm, oblong to narrowly elliptic, spine-tipped, simple-grey-tomentellous, sometimes with a few long hairs, 4-6 paired. Stipules 10-13 mm, triangular-lanceolate, villous. Flowers 4-5 per leaf axil. Inflorescence globose, c. 3 cm diam., 15-50-flowered. Bracts (8-)10-13 mm, oblong to ovate, navicular or plain, pilose at the apex. Bracteoles absent. Calyx 13-16 mm, densely white-villous; lobes divided to base. Flowers pale pink with cream centre; standard (16-)18-20 mm. Fl. 7-8. Steppe, hilly slopes, 1200-1850 m. Type: 'Armenia Turcica', Tournefort. Inner Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane to Bayburt, 3 km from Kale, 1300 m, Hub.-Mor. 15071! B5 Yozgat: nr. Yozgat, 8 vii 1961, Chamberlain! B6 Sivas: nr. Sivas, 1250 m, M. Zohary 292! B7 Erzincan: 7 km N of Pülümur, 1850 m, M. & D. Zohary 153/1! Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. Allied to A. strictifolius. Boissier describes A. compactus as having smaller calyces (12 mm) and standards (16 mm) than the specimens cited above. As far as we can tell, however, our material belongs to A. compactus. The type description of A. karsicola Širj. & Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 53:221 (1944) (A. karsianus Širj. & Bornm. in Feddes Rep. 52:10 (1943) non Bunge, 1869), which was described from A9 Kars, prope st. viae feroviae Promezhutotshnaja, Roop, agrees with our concept of A. compactus Lam. |