Fabaceae |
![]() Lathyrus brachypterus CEL. var. haussknechtii (SIRJ.) DAVIS |
![]() Lathyrus brachypterus CEL. var. haussknechtii (SIRJ.) DAVIS |
Lathyrus L. |
L. brachypterus Cel. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 38:47 (1888). Erect, glabrous to ± pubescent perennial. Stems wingless, 20-40 cm. Median leaves pinnate or subdigitate, aristate; leaflets 2-3-paired, linear to oblong-linear, 25-55 x(l-)2-7 mm, (3-)5(-7)-parallel-nerved; stipules lanceolate-subulate, longer than the 2-4 mm petiole. Peduncles 1-2 x leaves, rather closely 2-10-flowered. Flowers cream or pale sulphur, (15-)18-25 mm. Calyx (5-)6-9 mm; teeth unequal, the lowest slightly shorter than tube. Style filiform except for the slightly dilated apex, (6.5-)7-10 x 0.5-1 mm. Legumes (immature) linear. Fl. 5-7. Pastures, rocky slopes, 1500-2500 m. 1. Leaves pinnate var. brachypterus 1. Leaves subdigitate var. haussknechtii var. haussknechtii ( Širj.) Davis, comb. et stat. nov. Syn: L. haussknechtii Širj. in Feddes Rep. 35:377 (1934)! Figure 3, p. 323. Map 68, p. 335. Type: [Turkey B7 Erzincan] Egin (Kemaliye), Karaschikuri, in pascuis sub-alpinis, 23 v 1890, Sintenis 2305 (K! BM! W! E!). Mainly E. Anatolia. B5 Niğde: Hasan Da., Whittall 137! B7 Tunceli: Pülümür, 2000 m, It. Ley d. 1959:1628! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum (Erzurum-Trabzon?), Zohrab 636! B9 Erzurum: Çakmak Da., above Karayazi, 2500 m, Cheese & Watson 1672! Van: Kuskunkirlan, 44 km W of Gevaş, 2265 m, 29 v 1966, Eiselt! Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. The species is closely allied to L. pallescens, from which it is most surely distinguished by its style. The identity of L. brachypterus Cel. and L. spathulatus Cel. has been bedevilled by a mix-up in the labelling and distribution of the type specimens collected by Kotschy. It seems most probable that the type material of L. brachypterus came from Erciyas Da. (Argaeus) in B5 Kayseri (see note under L. spathulatus). Širjaev (1936, op. cit.) was wrong in considering L. brachypterus to be a synonym of L. spathulatus. |