Fabaceae |
![]() Onobrychis radiata (DESF.) BIEB. |
![]() Onobrychis radiata (DESF.) BIEB. |
![]() Onobrychis radiata (DESF.) BIEB. |
![]() Onobrychis radiata (DESF.) BIEB. |
Onobrychis ADANS. |
O. radiata (Desf.) Bieb., Cent. P1. Rar. Ross. 2, t. 55 (1810). Syn: Hedysarum radiatum Desf., Coroll. 87: t. 66 (1808); H. buxbaumii Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 2:179 (1808); Onobrychis froedinii Širj. &Rech. fil. in Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien 49:270 (1939)! Ic: Fl. URSS 13: t. 17 f. 6 (1948). Figure 15, p. 585. Perennial up to 60 cm, with long spreading hairs on the stem. Leaves with 5-10 pairs of broad ovate-oblong leaflets, below with a few adpressed or spreading hairs, glabrous above; stipules free. Peduncles longer than the leaves. Inflorescence many-flowered, ± lax. Calyx 8-10 mm, including teeth 2-3(-4) x longer than tube. Corolla cream with red veins (rarely absent) on standard; standard 17-19 mm; wings 6-7 mm; keel 16-17 mm. Fruit 11-18 x 10-13 mm, pubescent or villous, margin with 0.5-1.5 mm teeth, rarely absent, disc with short recurved spines. Fl. 5. Rocky often limestone slopes, shaley slopes, meadows, 780-2150 m. Described on Armenian material of Tournefort. Easternmost Anatolia. A9 Kars: 26 km from Benliahmet to Kağizman, 1870 m, D. 46651! B8 Erzurum: 48 km from Hinis to Pasinler in Aras gorge, 1700 m, D. 46433! Bitlis: 3-5 km N of Baykan, 1100 m, D. 43159! B9 Van: 8 km fromVan to Gürpınar (Havasor), 2000 m, D. 44601! Ağri: Suluçem (Musun) to Balik G., 2150 m, D. 47320! C9 Bitlis: valley of Botan Su, 16 km E of Tillo, 780 m, Frödin 81. C10 Hakkari: 9 km S from the Hakkari/Yüksekova road junction, 1550 m, D. 44664! Caucasia, N. Iran. Recent exploration has shown that this is quite a widespread species in easternmost Turkey. It is certainly very closely related to O. tourne-fortii and only clearly distinguished from it by the longer teeth on the crest of the fruit. O. radiata, O. tournefortii, O. hypargyrea, O. cappadocica and O. nitida together form a group of very closely related species. When their range of variation is better known, it is possible that some of them should be accorded subspecific status. An anomalous gathering which may be referable to O. radiata is C9 Mardin: 7-10 km from Cizre to Silopi, 400 m, D. 42725! In habit, leaves, inflorescence and floral characters it comes within the variation range of O. radiata, but in fruit it is clearly different. The fruits are c. 20 x 15 mm, soft-textured, unarmed and with an arachnoid-velutinous indumentum; they are, however, rather immature and the ripe fruits may be more typical. D. 42725 may represent a new and interesting taxon, but more material is needed. |