Fabaceae |
![]() Vicia alpestris STEV. subsp. hypoleuca (BOISS.) DAVIS |
Vicia L. |
V. alpestris Stev. in Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 4:93 (1813). Syn: V. anisodonta 3oiss., Diagn. ser. 2(2): 41 (1856). Map 60, p. 297. Perennial, densely adpressed-canescent or villous-pubescent. Stems ascending from creeping caudiculi, 5-40 cm. Leaves mostly ending in a slender, simple or branched tendril, the lowest leaves often only mucronate; leaflets 4-8-paired. ovate or oblong-elliptic. 4-14 x 2.5-7 mm, ± obtuse, weakly or strongly mucron-ate; stipules semi-hastate, the lower ones often sparsely-toothed. Racemes long-peduncled, broadly oblong, closely 3-9-flowered. Calyx purplish, 5-6 mm. the lowest tooth shorter than tube. Corolla violet-blue or reddish purple. 14-20 mm. subsp. hypoleuca (Boiss.) Davis, comb. nov. Syn: V. hypoleuca Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(5): 92 (1856); V. alpestris Stev. var. hypoleuca (Boiss.) Boiss., Fl. Or. 2:584 (1872). Fl. 6-7. Rocky slopes and screes, often limestone, 2000-2900 m. Syntypes: [Turkey C5] in regione alpina montis Gysil Deppe (Kizil Tepe) Tauri Cilicici, 2600 m, Kotschy (G!); Balansa. S., E. & N.E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Karagöl Da., Sint. 1894:7156! A8 Rize: Cicekli to Garsova, S of Rize, 2900 m, Balls 1897a! A9 Kars: Yalnizçam Da., between Yalnizçam and Ardanuç, 2100 m, D. 29650! B6 Maraş: Binboğa Da. above Yalak, 2200 m, D. 19978! B7 Erzincan: Kara Da., 38 km from Erzincan to Refahiye, 2000 m, Hub.-Mor. 15041! Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 2200 m, D. 31209! Elaziğ: Das Da. nr. Karput, 2000 m, Tölz (W). C5 Niğde: Masmutli Da., 2300 m, Siehe 1907:111! Içel/Niğde: Bulgar Da. Gisyl Tepe, 2700 m, ix 1908, Siehe! C6/B6 Maraş: Berit Da., 2800 m, D. 20345! Endemic? Ir.-Tur. element. Material from near Erzurum (incl. the type of V. anisodonta Boiss.) is ± intermediate between the two subspecies. |