Hypericaceae |
![]() Hypericum amblysepalum HOCHST. |
![]() Hypericum amblysepalum HOCHST. |
Hypericum L. |
H. amblysepalum Hochst. in Lorent, Wanderungen: 341 (1845). Syn: H. lorentii Hochst., op. cit., 342 (1845)! H. amanum Boiss., Fl. Or. 1: 804 (1867)! H. cydosepalum Rech. in Ann. Nat. Hofm. Wien 49: 266, f. 3 (1939)! H. kurdi-cum Bornm. in Beih. Bot. Centr. 28(2): 158 (1911); H.fieldianum Rech. in Feddes Rep. 50: 259 (1941)! Figure 11, p. 359. Stems 20-80 cm, erect, glabrous, usually eglandular. Leaves on main stem(15-)20-55 mm, oblong or triangular-lanceolate to linear, obtuse to rounded, sometimes revolute, glabrous or shortly pubescent above, sometimes glaucous. Inflorescence pyramidal to subcylindric, many-flowered. Sepals spathulate to oblong or orbicular, rounded, glandular-denticulate to shortly fimbriate. Petals 10-15 mm, sometimes red-veined. Capsule 7-10 mm, ovoid, rostrate. Fl. 5-6. Margins of fields and rocky calcareous slopes, 700-1300 m. Type: [Turkey C7 Urfa] Prope Orfam, Lorent (TUB!). C4 Içel: Gülnar to Ermenek, 1100 m, Hub.-Mor. 9547! C5 Hatay: nr. sea from Kessab, 10 v 1945, Norris! C6 Hatay: Antioch, 690 m, 29 v 1933, Meinertzhagen! C7 Urfa: between Urfa and Siverek, Kotschy 71! C8 Siirt: 5 km E of Siirt, 1150 m, Frodin 265 (type of H. cyclosepalum)! W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq. This species varies clinally from the glabrous broad-leaved forms of typical H. amblysepalum in the west to forms with pubescent, narrow, revolute leaves in N. Iraq (H. fieldianum). H. asperulum Jaub. & Spach (111. Or. 1: 60, 1842) differs from H. amblysepalum in having oblong sepals with sessile marginal glands, leaves always oblong, glaucous and ± scabrid-pubescent, and superficial black glands on stem, leaves, sepals and petals. No specimen from Turkey has been seen, but it occurs in Iraq not far from the Turkish frontier. |