Lamiaceae |
![]() Mentha longifolia (L.) HUDSON subsp. typhoides (BRIQ.) HARLEY var. typhoides (L.) HUDSON |
Mentha L. |
M. longifolia (L.) Hudson, Fl. Angl. 221 (1762). Variable, hairy perennial with musty or pungent odour. Rhizomes mainly hypogeal with squamiform leaves. Flowering stems 40-120 cm. Leaves (25-)30-90 x 10-32(-40) mm, sessile or rarely petiolate, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, broadest at or above middle, apex ± acute, base cordate to sub-cordate, margin sharply serrate with many irregular and often spreading teeth. Lamina smooth or very weakly rugose, green- to grey-tomentose above, green-to white-tomentose beneath (discolorous in subsp. longifolia), sometimes minutely puberulous on both surfaces. Leaf hairs unbranched, finely matted beneath when dry, basal cell 18-36(-41) μm diam. Verticillasters many, congested, forming a terminal often much branched spike (30)40-100 x (7-)9-15 mm diam. Calyx 1-3 mm. Corolla lilac or white. Nutlets chestnut, reticulate. 1. Leaves distinctly petiolate subsp. noeana 1. Leaves sessile or almost so 2. Leaves more than 50 mm x 18 mm, discolorous with thin-walled hairs beneath, collapsing when dry; spikes robust, 12 mm diam. with usually sessile or subsessile branches subsp. longifolia 2. Leaves usually less than 50 mm x 20 mm, concolorous with long to very short and curved, thick-walled hairs beneath, scarcely collapsing when dry; spikes more slender, to 10 mm diam., branches pedunculate subsp. typhoides 3. Leaves green, densely puberulous on both surfaces, with short hairs, sometimes appearing almost glabrous; undersurface with sessile glands, visible with a lens; flower spikes tinged reddish-purple var. calliantha 3. Leaves grey-tomentose; glands on undersurface obscured by hairs; flowers not conspicuously reddish-purple var. typhoides subsp. typhoides (Briq.) Harley in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 38:38 (1980). Syn: M. sylvestris L. subsp. typhoides Briq. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve 5:90 (1889)! var. typhoides. Syn: M. sylvestris L. var. kotschyana Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(4):5 (1859)! M. sylvestris L. var.glabrata Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:544(1879)! non Bentham (1853). 2n = 24. Fl. 7-10. Marshy fields, by streams and rivers, 900-2135 m. Type: [Turkey C5 Adana] bords des ruisseaux descendant du Masmeneu Dagh á 25 lieues (100 km) au sud de Cesaree (Kayseri), 8 viii 1855, Balansa (holo. G!). Widespread. A1(E) Kirklareli: Bahçeköy to Kasatura, A. & T. Bay top (ISTE 11853)*! A1(E/A) Çanakkale: Dardanelles, Calvert*! A2(A) Bursa: Bursa, B. Post*! A3 Ankara: Beypazari, Akman 8779! A4 Ankara: Ankara to Hacikadin De., 8 vii 1942, Birand! A5 Sinop: c. 5 km above Yenikonak on Gökçeağac road, S. of Ayançik, Jenkins 2217! A7 Gümüşane: Torul, Gülacar, 1500 m, T. Baytop (ISTE 16046)! Bl Çanakkale: d. Bayramiç, Çirpicilar, 300 m, Öztürk 2*! B2 Uşak: Çivril, Kizilelma to Uzunalen, Öztürk 16*! B3 Eskişehir: Türkmen Da., Kizilinler, Ekim 3091! B4 Ankara: nr Verem fountain, Beynam junction on Ankara to Bala road, E. Sezik et al. 31! B5 Kayseri: Kayseri to Develi, Soysalli, T. Baytop (ISTE 5229)! B6 Malatya: Gürün to Malatya, c. 10 km E. of Darende, 900 m, McNeill 427! B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da. above Ovacik, 1500 m, D. 31384! B8 Muş: Teng valley nr Muş, 1830 m, Kotschy 454! B9 Bitlis: Tatvan, 1750 m, D. 24544! Cl Aydin: Aydin to Paşayaylasi, 650 m, T. Uslu 4283*! C2 Denizli: Akdağ Y., 1420 m, Öztürk 8*! C3 Konya: Beyşehir (Isauria), Hoyran, D. 16105! C4 Içel: Olucak, Ermenek to Anamur, 1500 m, D. 16332! C5 Içel: Gülekboğazi, 1000 m, Siehe 1896:661! C7 Urfa: nr Urfa, T. Baytop (ISTE 4925)! C8 Mardin: Mardin castle, T. Baytop (ISTE 18226)! Is: Samos, mt. Kierki, Fors.-Maj. 728! Aegean, Cyprus, Lebanon, N.W. Iran, N. Iraq. The delimitation of this subspecies from those occurring to the E., S. and W. still remains to be settled. To the E. the typical variety grades into var. calliantha (Stapf) Briq., while towards the W., plants are usually taller with longer leaves and longer, less compact flower spikes. These western variants, followed by an asterisk (*) after the record in the citation of specimens, are comparable with plants from Greece and the Aegean, and may require taxonomic recognition. Collections from the Taurus Mrs., C4 Antalya: Eğri G., at foot of Geyik Da., 2000 m, D. 14666! C5 Içel: Koschan (Koşan), Bulgar Da., 2400 m, 31 viii 1853, Kotschy 307! are referable to M. longifolia (L.) Hudson subsp. kotschyana (Boiss.) Briq. in Engler & Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a):321 (1897)! In leaf shape and size, and the width of the flower spikes, these plants recall subsp. longifolia, but indumentum characters suggest they are better referred to subsp. typhoides. Further collections from this part of the range are needed. |