Lamiaceae |
![]() Thymus pubescens BOISS. ET KOTSCHY EX CELAK var. crateicola JALAS |
![]() Thymus pubescens BOISS. ET KOTSCHY EX CELAK var. crateicola JALAS |
Thymus L. |
T. pubescens Boiss. & Kotschy ex Čelak. in Flora 66:152 (1883). Subshrub with a woody taproot and procumbent to suberect woody branches bearing flowering stems 2-9 cm, usually with axillary fascicles of small leaves. Flowering stem leaves 5.5-9.5 x 1.8-2.5 mm, (ovate-) lanceolate, ± acute, often canaliculate below apex and/or twisted; oil dots pale; midrib conspicuous, pale, lateral veins 2 pairs, ± prominent, leaving midrib in basal 1/4 and joining to form a marginal thickening. Inflorescence capitate. Bracts not different from leaves. Bracteoles 0.5-1.5 mm. Calyx 3.5-4.8 mm, upper teeth 0.6-l(-1.2) mm, usually ciliate. Corolla pinkish or lilac, 5-6.5 mm. Fl. 6-8. Cushion steppes, dry pastureland, open rocky ground, 1830-3000m. 1. Flowering stems puberulent, hairs semi-patent to retrorse, shorter than stem diam.; leaves densely puberulent with intermixed long hairs to glabres- cent or ± glabrous, petiole short, oil dots mainly sparse var. pubescens 1. Flowering stems and leaves hairy, hairs patent, equalling to or longer than stem diam.; leaves distinctly petiolate, oil dots ± numerous on both sides var. cratericola var. cratericola Jalas in Ann. Bot. Fennici 17:322 (1980). Type: Turkey B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., 7600 ft [2320 m], in crater, 3 vii 1954, P.H. Davis & O. Polunin, D. 23531 (holo. E! iso. BM! H!). E. Anatolia. B7 Tunceli: Munzur Da., above Ovacik, 1900 m, D. 31181! B9 Bitlis: Nemrut Da., 2000 m, McNeill 530! A plant from Ş9 Van (between Başkale and Hoşap, 2700 m, Rech. 53894!) is included here with some doubt. It differs in having a somewhat shorter indumentum and petioles, remarkable wide ovate small basal leaves, ± coloured oil dots and calyx matching that of T. migricus. The species is endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. The taxonomic status of T. pubescens is not quite clear. It certainly resembles T. fallax in several respects. On the other hand, it apparently differs in, for example, shoot morphology and can be considered intermediate between T. sipyleus and 71 praecex. |