Liliaceae |
![]() Allium chrysantherum BOISS. ET REUTER |
![]() Allium chrysantherum BOISS. ET REUTER |
Allium L. |
A. chrysanthenum Boiss. & Reuter in Boiss., Fl Or. 5:280 (1882). Syn: A. reflexum Boiss. &Reuterin Boiss., FL Or. 5:281 (1882); A. eginense Freyn in Mem. Herb. Boiss. 13:34 (1900) p.p.! lc: Mouterde, Nuov. Fl. Lib. Syr. 1, Atlas t. 90 f. 3 (1966); Rech. fiL, FL Iranica76: t. 8f. 1ll (1971). Figure 9. Map 32. Bulb ovoid or globose, to 4 cm diam. Stem (25-)50-80(-100) cm. Leaves (2-)6-8, linear-lorate, 5-30 mm broad. Spathe (2-)3-4-valved; valvssapiculate, reflexed, persistent. Umbel hemispherical, 3-5(-6) cm diarn., many-flowered, dense. Pedicels to 3 cm, slender. Perianth of outer flowers yellowish or greenish, of inner ones purple or all flowers yellowish or greenish; segments linear-subulate, 2.5-4 mm, soon reflexed and contorted, scarcely visible at end of anthesis. Filaments thick, fleshy, yellow or purple, triangular4anceolate, inner ones broader than outer. Anthers golden-yellow or dark purplish-green, 1.5-2 mm. Ovary green or black. Capsule 5-6 mm. FL 5-6. Steep terra rossa banks, among Quercus infectoria and Juniperus, grassy places, fields, 800-2150 m. Type: [Iraq] in deserto Assyriaco inter Nisibin (Nusaybin) et Sindjar (Sin-jar), [v 1867], Haussknecht [958] (holo. G!). S. & E. Anatolia. B7 Tunceli: Pertek to Tunceli, 43 km from Elaziğ, 1400 m, D. 29146! Erzincan: Egin (Kemaliye), Szanduk(Sandik), Sint. 1890:2436 (syntype of A. eginense)! Malatya: Malatya to Euphrates, D. 22024! Elaziğ: Kharput (Harput), above Miadun (Miyadin), Sint. 1889:809! Diyarbakir: Bahçeköy, c. 80 km from Diyarbakir to Dicle, 1000 m, Kit-Tan 1877.' B8 Diyarbakir: nr Akboar (Akboğaz), Sint. 1888:1213! B9 Siirt: nr Şirvan, T. Baytop & Mathew 7652c! C6 Adana: d. Osmaniye, Nur Da. above Fevzipaşa, 800-1000 m, Coşkun & Çelik (AEF 2148)! C7 Urfa: Tschermelik (Çermelik) to Nernrud Dagh (Nemrut Da.), Sint. 1888:802! ibid., Hausskn. (type of A. reflexum). C8 Mardin: nr Senar (Sinnare), Sint. 1888:1016! C10 Hakkari: Beyaz Da. (Çiyasipi), N. side of pass, 1800 m, Watson 5609! N. Syria, N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. Characterised by its very dense umbel of small flowers, the long anthers of which are the most prominent part, and by the linear-subulate, soon reflexed perianth segments and thick filaments. Probably conspecific with A. reflexum Boiss., as stated by Wendelbo (1971). According to Boissier (1882) the main difference between the two is the colour of the perianth segments, these being white in A. chrysantherum and yellowish-white in A. reflexum. However, the colour of the perianth segments, filaments, anthers and ovary is variable in this species. D. 29146 from B7 Tunceli differs in being less tall (25-30 cm) and having only 2 leaves. |