Liliaceae |
![]() Allium kossoricum FOMIN |
![]() Allium kossoricum FOMIN |
Allium L. |
A. kossoricum Fomin in Monit. Jard. Bot. Tiflis 14:50 (1909). Map 18. Bulb ovoid, 1 cm diam.; outer tunics blackish, torn into parallel fibres. Stem c. 20 cm. Leaves 3, cylindrical-filiform, 1-2 mm broad. Spathe somewhat shorter than umbel. Umbel fastigiate-hemispherical, c. 7 cm diam., lax. Pedicels unequal, 2-5 x perianth. Perianth shortly hemispherical; segments whitish-green with a small violet blotch and a green midvein, 3-4 mm, eliiptic-oblong, obtuse with apex rounded or with a small reflexed apicalus. FEaments 1.5-2 x as long as perianth segments, dark violet. Ovary subsessile, globose. Style considerably exserted. Fl 6. Dry stony slopes. Type: [Turkey A9 Kars] distr. Olty (Oltu) prope pagum Kossor (Kosor), [11 vi 1930],E.König(holo. TBI, photo!). E. Anatolia. A8/9 Erzurum: 2 km S.W. of Oltu, Marais 1577! S. Transcaucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. Allied to A. stsmineum (Sect. Codon-oprasum), differing in thinner leaves, shorter spathe, laxer umbel, green perianth segments and dark violet filaments. The specimen Marais 1577, cultivated at Kew, is doubtfully included here as it differs from the type specimen. It has a larger (to 7 cm diam.) spherical umbel with rather long pedicels (to 10 x perianth), but it has the green perianth segments with long-exserted, dark violet filaments said by Fomin (loc. cit., 1909) to be characteristic of A. kossoricum. No violet blotch on the perianth segments could be seen on this specimen, and it also lacks the bulb, which in the original description was stated to have tunics torn into parallel fibres. Vvedensky (Fl URSS 4:202-203, 1935), however, states that "in all his green-flowered material of A. stamineum (s.l.) group the outer bulb tunics are without veins or with feebly developed veins." A. kossoricum Fomin var. araratense Misczenko was mentioned by Gross-heim (Fl. Kavk. ed. 1,1:212. 1928) and was later considered by him (op. cit. ed. 2, 2:132, 1940) and by Vvedensky (Fl. URSS4:202, 1935)tobeconspec-ific with A. stamineum. Two collections from mt. Ararat have been examined: B1O Ağri: plaines du Grand Ararat (Büyük Ağri Da.), 2250-2400 m, B.Post 2175! mt. Ararat, Ibrahim Karo Y., 3000 m, Allen 16! They cannot be referred to either A. stamineum or A. kossoricum. From the latter they differ in having pinkish-mauve perianth segments, and from A. stamineum in their short spathe valves, shorter pedicels, umbel not effuse and in their globose-elliptic (not shortly hemispherical) campanulate perianth-Sect. Codonoprasurn Reichb. (Incl. Sect. Macrospatha G.Don ex Kunth, Sect. Crommyum Webb & Berth. Subsect. Haplostemon Boiss. Series Codonoprasa Boiss., Sect. Rhynchoprason F. Hermann, Sect. Haemoprason F. Hermann). Bulb ovoid, oblong or globose. Leaves sheathing up to 2/3 of stem. Spathe 2-valved; valves unequal, each with an ovate or lanceolate, usually veined base, narrowed above into a tail-like appendage, at least one of them longer than or rarely as long as umbel. Perianth campanulate or cylindrical Filaments simple. Ovary with or without minute inconspicuous nectariferous pores; ovules 2 per loculus. |