Liliaceae |
![]() Bellevalia forniculata (Fomin) Deloney |
![]() Bellevalia forniculata (FOMIN) DELONEY |
![]() Bellevalia forniculata (Fomin)Deloney |
Bellevalia LAPEYR. |
B. fomiculata (Fomin) Deloney in Monit. Jard.Bot. Tiflisn.s. 1: 44(1922-1923). Syn: Muscari forniculatum Fomin in Monit. Jard. Bot. Tiflis 9:12 (1908). Figure 13. Map 42.
Leaves 2(-3), c. as long as scape, to 8(-ll) mm broad, long-attenuate towards apex, erect, margin smooth. Scape solitary, 12-30 cm. Raceme 12-20-flowered, rather dense, ovoid-ellipsoid, axis often bluish-violet. Pedicels shorter than perianth, recurved, bluish. Perianth sky blue, usually paler between veins, margin of inner lobes white; nodding, 5-6 mm, urceoiafe, lobes c. as iong as tube, incurved. Fruiting raceme cylindrical, pedicels 8-9 mm, ±patent. Valves of capsule 6-9 mm, broadly obovate.emarginate at apex. 2n = 8. Fl, 5. Marshy or boggy ground, alpine meadows, sometimes near snow, 1800-2400 m. Described from [Turkey A9 Erzurum] in Armenia rossica prope urbem Olty (holo. not designated). N.E. Anatolia; rather rare. 'Armenia'(probably between Erzurum and Trabzon), Calvert! A8 Erzurum: Pasinler, 1800 m, Baron 2167! A9 Kars: Sari-kamiş, to Yeniköy, 2000 m, Rix et al. 1663! 87 Erzincan: Sakaltutan pass between Erzincan and Refahiye, 2100 m, Leep & Pasche 72/59! B8 Erzurum: Palandöken pass, W. of Erzurum, 2300 m, Mathew & Tornlinson 4309! Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Closely related to B. paradoxa and B. pycnantha. A very attractive species. |