Liliaceae |
![]() Fritillaria aurea SCHOTT |
![]() Fritillaria aurea SCHOTT |
Fritillaria L. |
F. aurea Schott in Öst. Bot. Wochenbl. 4:137 (1854). Syn: F.bornmuelleri Hausskn. in Öst. Bot. Zeitschr. 40:393 (1890)! F. cilicico-taurica Hausskn. & Bornm. in Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ver. n.s. 20:46 (1905)! ic: Bot. Mag. 120: t. 7374 (1894); Rix & Phillips, Bulb Book 81(g) (1981). Map 45. Bulb to 2 cm diam., usually with many bulblets. Stem 4-15 cm, smooth. Leaves (3-)5-8, glaucous, lowest alternate, 3.5-8 x 0.5-2.2 cm, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate. Flowers solitary; perianth very broadly campanuiate, yellow, tessellated with orange or reddish-brown. Outer perianth segments 2-4.8 x 0.5-0.9 cm, ovate to oblong, usually acute; inner 0,9-1.5 cm broad, obtuse. Nectaries c. 2 mm diam., rhomboid, at angle of bell, c. 7 mm above perianth base. Filaments 10 mm, glabrous. Style 8-12 mm, 3-fid; branches 2-3 mm. glabrous. Capsule not winged. Fl. 5-7. Juniperus forest, N.-facingrock ledges and snow patch hollows, usually on limestone, 1800-3000 m. Type: [Turkey C5 Içel] in Tauro, Kotschy [1836:507] (holo. W). C. & S. Anatolia. A6 Sivas: Yildiz Da., 2400 m, Bornm. 1890:1647 (type of F. bornmuellerii). B6 Kayseri: 24 km S. of Pinarbaşi, 1800-1900 m, Coode &Jones 1423! Sivas: Pinarbaş to Gürün, 2000 m, Stn. &Hend. 5179! Maraş: Göksün, Binboğa Da., above KarliY., 2700 m,D. 20024! Malatya: Doğanşehir, Baron 2108! C5 Niğde: Ala Da., S.W. flank of Demir Kasik, 2400-2800 m, Parry 170! içel: Cilician Taurus above Bulgar Da., 2400 m, Siehe 1898:14 (type of F. cilicico-taurica)\ Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Close to F. latifolia but differing in flower colour and smaller size. Specimens from B6 Sivas (Rix et al. 1602! 1603!) are probably hybrids between F. aurea and F. pinardii. |