Papaveraceae |
![]() Papaver fugax POIRET var. fugax POIRET |
![]() Papaver fugax POIRET var. fugax POIRET |
Papaver L. |
P. fugax Poiret, Encycl, 5: 118 (1804). Syn: P. caucasicumBieb., Fl. Taur.-Cauc, 2: 5 (1808); P. floribundum Desf., Choix PL, 62, t. 46 (1808). I?: Bot. Mag., 40: t. 1675 (1814). Figure 9, p. 225. Biennial. Stems one to many, stiff, erect, 20-60 cm, sparsely hispid-setose to glabrous. Leaves pinnatisect, the segments serrate-dentate, narrowly to broadly triangular, more than 5 mm broad. Buds erect, obovoid-spherical, sparsely setose to glabrous. Petals orange. Capsule narrowly obovate, tapering to the base, abruptly contracted near the apex, smooth, strongly ribbed, 14-16x4-8 mm, usually glabrous, occasionally sparsely setose. Disc depressed-conical to almost flat. Stigmas 4-5. Two varieties may be recognised: 1. Capsule 6-8 mm broad, quite smooth; disc depressed conical var. fugax 1. Capsule 4-6 mm broad, slightly torulose; disc almost flat when ripe var. platydiscus var. fugax. Fl 4-6. Dry slopes, screes, 1700-3100 m. Type: none designated. E. Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Gümüşane, Bourgeau 10! A8 Erzurum: Erzurum to Ispir, Serceme De., 1780 m, Hub.-Mor. 15242! Gümüşane: Bayburt, 1950-2000 m, Hub.-Mor. 15258! A9 Çoruh: Kordevan Da., Kütül Yayla, 2000 m, D. 30262! Kars: Ardahan to Haçuvan, 1800 m, D. 32590A! B7 Erzincan: Egin (Kemaliye), Kyl Maghara Dagh, Sint. 1890:2873! B8 Erzurum: Erzurum, Huet! Muş: Muş, Kotschy 764. B9 Bitlis: Pelli Da., 3000 m, D. 22501! Van: Kavuşşahap Da., 3100 m, D. 23131! B10 Ağri: Ararat (Bü. Ağri Daği), 2400 m, Post! C6 Maraş: Akher Dagh (Ahir Da.), 1200 m, Hausskn. Caucasia, N. & W. Iran, N. Iraq. 3 specimens (Hub.-Mor. 13940, Malatya, Perveri to Gölbaşı, 1200 m; D. 29500, Erzurum, Horasan to Karaurgan, 2000 m; Sintenis 1889: 1096. Erzincan. Sipikor Da. - the type of P. bartuschianum Fedde. Pflanzenr. 40 (IV. 104): 347 (1909) - show combinations of characters intermediate between P. fugax var. fugax and P. tauricola in having orange-brown setose buds, stems and leaves densely hispid-setose (characters of P. tauricola), glab-rous, obovate capsules, and the general habit of P. fugax. |