Poaceae |
![]() Bromus inermis LEYSSER |
![]() Bromus inermis LEYSSER |
Bromus L. |
B. inermis Leysser, Fl. Hal. 16 (1761). Syn: Zerna inermis (Leysser) Lindm., Svensk Fanerogamfl. 101 (1918);Bromopsis inermis (Leysser) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. (Praha) 8:167 (1973). Ic: Coste, Fl. Fr. 3:645 f. 4187 (19O6);F1. RPR 12: t. 59 f. 1 (1972). Map 53. Perennial, with long creeping rhizomes. Stems 30-100 cm, erect, puberulent near nodes. Leaf sheaths becoming fibrous or remaining intact when dead, glabrous or rarely pubescent below; blades 10-35 cm x 4-8 mm, flat, glabrous or rarely pubescent, scabrid especially on margins. Panicle 10-15(-20) x4-10 cm, contracted or effuse, erect or somewhat nodding, lower branches to 10 cm, bearing 1-2 spikelets. Spikelets 15-30 x 3-5 mm, narrowly oblong, pale green to grey-purple. Glumes abruptly narrowed or obtuse-tipped, lower 7-9 mm, upper 9-12 mm. Lemma 9-12 mm, narrowly oblong, sometimes obtuse, glabrous or pubescent in lower half; awn absent or to 1.5 mm. Palea little shorter than lemma. Anthers4-5.5 mm. Fl. 6-8. Hills, cultivated fields, stream-sides, water meadows, roadsides, 1800-2700 m. Type: [Germany] in pratis succulentis fertilissimis in Fürstengarten, in den Pulverweiden, Leysser. Turkey-in-Europe, Inner Anatolia. A1(E) Edirne: Edirne, Urumov. A8 Erzurum: pass between Tortum and Oltu, 2300 m, D. 47591! A9 Kars: 5 km N. of Kars, 1810 m, 14 viii 1972, Spencer 0103! B8 Erzurum: 29 km from Hinis to Pasinler, 1800 m, D. 46410! B9 Ağri: E. side of Tahir pass, 19 km from Elesjdrt to Horasan, 2400 m, D-. 47083! Van: Kepir Da., 2700 m, D. 23359! BlO Van: 5 km N.E. of Başkale, 2150m, D. 45942! C5 Konya: Ereğli, Akman 27! C10 Hakkari: 10 km W. of Yüksekova, 1950 m, Duncan & Tait 232! Europe, temperate Asia. Sect. Nevskiella (V. Krecz. & Vved.) Tournay. (Syn: Nevskiella V. Krecz. & Vved. pro gen.). Annual. Spikelets small, ovate. Glumes subulate-acuminate, lower 1-veined, upper 3-veined. Awn straight, 4-5 x lemma. |