Poaceae |
![]() Cynosurus cristatus L. |
Cynosurus L. |
C. cristatus L., Sp. Pl. 72 (1753). Ic: Hubbard, Grasses ed. 2:220 (1968). Map 94. Wiry caespitose perennial. Stems (15-)20-75(-100) cm, erect or geniculate-ascending, smooth, glabrous. Leaf sheaths smooth, uppermost well below panicle at anthesis; blades 0.8-3(-4) mm broad, scabrid towards apex, glabrous or minutely hairy. Panicle spike-like, narrowly oblong, 20-90(-120) x 2-12 mm, erect or slightly curved, 1-sided, with flat flexuous axis and very short branches, green or purplish. Fertile spikelets oblong or cuneate, 3-5(-6)mm, 2-5-flowered; glumes 3-4.5(-5) mm, minutely awned; lower lemma rounded on back, 2.7-3.5 (-4) mm (excl. awn), ± hairy, with awn to 1 mm; upper lemma similar but slightly shorter. Sterile spikelets concealing the fertile ones, ovate, compressed, 3-6 mm, composed of up to 18 rigid, narrowly linear, 1-veined, bract-like glumes and shortly awned, membranous lemmas with green, ciliate keel. Fl. 5-10. Picea woodland, phrygana, wheatfields, hillsides, damp meadows, by pools, 60-2200 m. Described from Europe (BM-Hb. Cliff.; Hb. Linn. 91/1, photo!). N. Turkey & E. Anatolia. A1(A) Balikesir: Buğdayli to Taşpete, 60 m, Kurtto 3171! A2(E) Istanbul: Sariyer, Belgrad forest, Balaban De., Yalt. 2434! A3 Bolu: Abant G., 9 vii 1940, B.Post! A4 Zonguldak: Keltepe above Yenice, at Sorgun Y., 1300 m, D. 38938! A5 Sinop: 20 km N. of Boyabat, 1400 m, Sorger 69-17-14! A6 Ordu: Çambaşi, at Semen, 2200 m, Tobey 1436! A7 Trabzon: Hamsiköy, Balahor Y., 1700 m, Anşin 1181! A8 Çoruh: above Artvin, 1200 m, D. 29703! A9 Çoruh: 20 km E. of Şavşat, 1950 m, Sorger 81-74-24! B2 Bursa: Tahtaköprü, between Inegöl and Domaniç, 1400 m, D. 36410! B9 Bitlis: nr Pelli, 1900 m, D. 46080! Most of Europe, Caucasia, N. Iran (Talysh), Azores; introduced in N. America, Australia and New Zealand. Euro-Sib. element. A very important and much esteemed pasture grass often used in lawns. |