Poaceae |
![]() Elymus nodosus (NEVSKI) MELDERIS subsp. gypsicolus MELDERIS |
![]() Elymus nodosus (NEVSKI) MELDERIS subsp. gypsicolus MELDERIS |
Elymus L. |
E. nodosus (Nevski) Melderis in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 76:376 (1978). Syn: Agropyron nodosum Nevski in Fl. URSS 2:646 (1934). Densely caespitose perennial. Stems 30-60 cm. Leaves usually 1-3 mm broad, convolute or flat with involute margins, with rather fine veins, scabrid or sparsely to densely shortly pubescent on upper surface; lower sheaths of ten ciliate. Spike 6-15 cm, linear, erect, lax;rachis sparsely and shortly spinulose-cUiate on main angles. Spikelets with few florets, adpressed to rachis, usually glaucous, green. Glumes narrowly elliptic, obscurely 5-veined, with narrow (0.2-0.3 mm broad) hyaline margin, glabrous, obtuse to truncate at apex. Lemma unawned. Palea minutely ciliate near apex on keels. 1. Stems (on and below nodes), lower surface of leaves and sheaths setulose;lemma usually emarginate at apex subsp. sinuatus 1. Stems, lower surface of leaves and sheaths glabrous and smooth; lemma not emarginate at apex 2. Leaves usually convolute, shortly and densely pubescent on upper surface, without prominent margins; spikelets usually with 3 florets; glumes 4.5-7 mm; lemma 7-8 mm subsp. caespitosus 2. Leaves flat, 4-5 mm broad, scabridulous; spikelets with 4-5 florets 3. Leaves with prominent white margins; rachis erect; spikelets adpressed to rachis; glumes 7-10 mm, obscurely veined; lemma 10-14 mm subsp. gypsicolus 3. Leaves without prominent margins; rachis slightly flexuous; spikelets not adpressed to rachis; glumes conspicuously veined subsp. platyphyllus subsp. gypsicolus Melderis in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 42:82 (1984). Figure 10. Map 38. Fl. 7-8. Gypsum slopes, 1500-1700 m. Type: Turkey B6 Sivas: d. Kangal, between Çetinkaya and Kingöz Köy [sic: recte Kirkgöz Köy], gypsum slopes, 1580-1700 m, 7 viii 1982, P. Davis & Ekim 68745 (holo.E!). Endemic. Known only from the type. Ir.-Tur. element. |