Poaceae |
![]() Elymus repens (L.) GOULD subsp. repens |
![]() Elymus repens (L.) GOULD subsp. repens |
Elymus L. |
E. repens(L.) Gould in Madrono 9:127(1947). Perennial with long-creeping rhizomes. Stems 30-80 cm, glabrous. Leaves 3-10 mm broad, usually flat, scabrid or sparsely pilose. Spike usually 5-15 cm,dense or lax; rachis spinulose-ciliate on main angles. Spikelets ± compressed . laterally. Glumes 5-10 mm, lanceolàte, 3-7-veined, slightly scabrid on midvein towards apex, acute or acuminate, usually mucronate. Lemma glabrous. 1. Glumes usually acuminate or with short awn to 3 mm; lemma 8-11 mm, acute, mucronate to shortly awned; palea ciliate throughout most of length of keels subsp. repens 1. Glumes acute or with short, obtuse mucro to 0.2 mm; lemma 6-10 mm, unawned, often emarginate at apex, with short thick point, not projecting beyond apex;palea minutely ciliate on keels in upper part subsp. elongatiformis subsp. repens. Syn: Triticum repens L., Sp.Pl. 86 (1753);Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv., Ess. Agrost. 102 (1812); Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski in Acta Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS ser. 1, 1:14(1933)inadnot.&op. cit. 2:85 (1936). Ic: Host, Gram. Austr. 2: t. 21 (1802), as T. repens;Hubbard, Grassesed. 2:98 (1968), as A. repens; Fl. Iraq 9: t. 74 (1968), as A. repens. Map 39. Fl. 6-8. Marshy ground near lakes, eroded banks, ditches, rocky slopes, montane steppe, roadsides, nr s.l-2350 m. Described from Europe (Hb. Linn. 104/7). N.W. Turkey, N.E., E. & S. Anatolia, Islands. A2(E) Istanbul: Halatama to Yeşilköy, 28 viii 1937, B. Post! A2(A) Istanbul: Pendik, 16 vi 1895, Azn.! A3 Bolu: Abant G., 1400 m, D. 37153! A4 Kastamonu: Kastamonu, 850 m, D. 38019! A7 Trabzon: 26 km S. of Trabzon, 300 m, 16 viii 1972, Spencer 0101(!). A8 Rize: Djimil(Cimil),2000m, 17 viii 1866,Bal. Çoruh: Pertakrek (Peterek), 1830 m, C.Koch. A9 Kars: Yalnizçam Da., above Yalnizçam, 2100 m, D. 32480! B8 Erzurum: Palandöken Da., 20-23 km from Çat to Erzurum, 2300-2350 m, D. 47346! B9 Van: Hoşap to W. foot of Kepir Da., D. 23313! B10 Ağri: mt. Ararat (Büyük Ağri Da.) (Grossheim 1: map 305). Van: 5 km N.E. of Başkale, 2150 m, D. 45864! C2 Antalya: Elmali, Barbey 688. C3 Burdur: mt. Boudroun, Heldr. Antalya: Ak Da., Bourgeau. Is: Leros, Ikono-mopoulos. N., W. & C. Europe, Mediterranean area, Caucasia, Crimea, Iran, Afghan-istan, C. Asia, Siberia, W. Pakistan, China, Japan; introduced in many parts of the world. Pre-1923 literature records need further investigation, because some specimens may belong to subsp. elongatiformis. |